Vendor Description

A close look at the contract documents signed with the vendor of the ‘continulink’ software reflects several performance capacities of the software as described by the vendors. The main claims include that the application will: (a) increase efficiency, (b) improve clinical compliance, and (c) drive additional revenue.
Additionally, the vendor description claims that the application of the software will help


  1. deliver a comprehensive scheduling application.
  2. provide better billing management.
  3. improve the reporting functions.
  4. increase efficiency that will result in decreased costs.
  5. boost technological efficiencies that will result in paper reduction.
  6. result in good, responsive customer support.

The “continulink” software is described as a SOLUTION which will incorporate the following modules: system administration, client record and intake, payer records, employee record, physicians records, scheduling and employee matching, payroll and weekly processing, general ledger and weekly accounting process, payment applications, billing and collections, medications database and interactions, real time clinical data scrubbing, clinical data benchmarking, clinical point of care, telephony, automated mileage calculator, physician portal, employee portal, client and family portal, supplemental healthcare staffing and portal, mobile device access, tele-monitor interface set-up, etc.
From the descriptions above, we can identify the fact that while some of the features are task-oriented, some are revenue-oriented and this applies as well to the evaluation perspectives of the users and the participants in this study.

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