Types of Sentences

Topic: Are life sentences are better than death sentences?

Research paper must be a persuasive-based research paper as long as it has at least two sides to it. The topic must be one that can be argued. Combine both objective historical information on the topic as well as arguments for at least two different positions on the issue.

Structure of Essay:

Must incorporate the following sections:

Abstract: brief overview of the process used to create the essay and a short overview of the positions in the essay.

Introduction of Topic: A traditional introduction of 1-2 paragraphs that has a hook, transition and thesis to set up the body paragraph topics.

History of Topic: an overview of how the topic came into existence and changed over time. This section provides background that may include laws, inventions, significant people, definitions, historical events, etc. Answer the question of how did the topic develop overtime to get to the current era.

Arguments for the Topic: at least two arguments in suppor of your position on the topic must be presented.

Counterclaims and Rebuttals: at least two counter-arguments opposed to your position must be presented. Each of the counter-arguments must be rebutted by your position.

Conclusion: this is the traditional conclusion of 1-2 paragraphs to summarize the body paragraph topics.

References: This is the APA-formatted reference pages with all the cited references from the essay.

Each Section “History of Topic”, “Arguments for the Topic” and “Counterclaims and Rebuttals” above must have a minimum of three (3) cited sources for a total of 9 cited sources.

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