A Book Critique is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels. C. S. Lewis’ The Problem of Pain is a seminal work reflecting on Christian responses to pain and suffering. Community Chaplains are often part of the first responders when people are in crisis. The chaplain needs to have thought through the issues presented in this book in order to respond effectively to the statement and questions of persons in crisis.
Your Book Critique can be accomplished by thinking of three words: Summarize, Respond, and Reflect. Use the following paragraphs and headings to complete your Critique.
Give the current Turabian formatted reference of the book below the heading SUMMARIZE. Summarize what you have read by boiling down the book into 600 words or less. Prove that you comprehend the material by writing a no-nonsense summary. SUMMARIZE is not a commentary or a rehearsing of the text of the Table of Contents; rather, it is a gut-level, insightful “précis” of the longer, more elaborate book. It should provide a clear overview of the material.
What parts of this book are about you? You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. Be transparent and get vulnerable with your answer! Relate a personal life episode, if possible. What video memory began to roll? Relate your story in first person, describing action; quote exact words you remember hearing or saying and/or the non-Verbals on display in the memory. What was going on with your internal conversation during the story? In the teaching style of Jesus, this is a do-it-yourself parable, case study, confession. Conversely, this is your chance to tell your story and make new ideas your own through a practical learning activity designed for you! Keep this section at 300 words if possible.
CHPL 682
What new questions or enlightening moments popped up for you after reading the book. In the margins of the book, journal and become a meaning-making specialist. Clarify statements made with your situation/context in mind. Use questions like: “What bothers me about this book?” or use statements such as: “I am reticent to accept … because …” or “This technique will help me to….” Also, what insight(s), technique(s), word pictures(s), and tool(s) are you seeing for the first time? Keep this section as close to 300 words as possible.
Your grade on this Book Critique depends on the manner in which you address each of these 3 dimensions in graduate level fashion and your adherence to current Turabian format. A Table of Contents or Reference page is not needed since the design of a Book Critique provides the necessary information. However, a Title Page is needed. You must use the headings provided as your main headings and any sub-headers deemed necessary. Follow current Turabian format.
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