The Problem and Solution Argument

Presenting Proposals: The Problem/Solution Argument

You’ll be choosing your own topics for Essay 3. See the Topics policy on course syllabus for prohibited topics. While no other topics are prohibited, remember that all topics might not be suitable for this style of essay – either due to your own biases/emotions or the requirements of the assignment. You will be asked to submit a Topic Proposal in this unit, so you will receive feedback and whether your topic/direction is approved or not approved prior to the Draft Plan/optional Rough Draft. If your topic/direction is not approved, you must select a different topic/direction, which will also need to be approved (via email, not as a separate assignment).

Choose a contemporary problem/issue that you care about or are interested in (see topic guidelines above) and write an argument in which you propose, in your thesis, a solution (or solutions) to the problem/issue. Your argument should clearly define/explain what the problem is and, if appropriate, explain the cause(s) of the problem. To make the case for your proposed solution(s), you should explain (1) what the solution(s) is/are, (2) the process to achieve the solution(s), and (3) the feasibility (is it realistic?) of your solution(s). In doing so, you should provide credible evidence, suitable for a general academic audience, to support your claims and be prepared to respond to your audience’s likely objections.

Essay 3 will include continued work on writing strong thesis statements, effectively organizing an argument, and incorporating credible sources. In addition, for this essay, you will learn how to include and respond to opposition and what kinds of appeals or evidence are convincing to readers.

In your second essay, your assignment asked you to use a debate as the starting point or inspiration for your argument. Most of the debates we hear about or engage in are rooted in problems – problems we face in our own lives, in our communities, in our nation, in our world. Arguably, the goal of any debate should be finding a solution to the problem at its root. Too often, arguments about solutions take place – and even become quite heated – before those who are making the arguments have taken the time to really understand the problem, its causes, or if their proposed solutions can realistically be accomplished. Even if we propose a solution that could work to address a problem, if we do not make this proposal in a way that clearly defines the problem and its causes and demonstrates an awareness of what the solution would entail, including overcoming objections or obstacles, our efforts are likely to fail; the result is that the problem goes unresolved or unaddressed – and the debate rages on. The primary goal of your third and final essay is to make a convincing argument that proposes a solution to a problem. To tease out more specifics, the goals of Essay 3 are to (a) select a suitable, arguable topic, (b) locate reputable sources through effective academic research, (c) state your position on your topic clearly in an academic-style thesis statement, (d) make and support your argument using credible sources and effective appeals, and (e) confront the opposition to your argument – all in a well-organized academic argument.

Final draft must be at least 6 pages, double-spaced, typed (Works Cited page does not count toward minimum length)
• See length policy on course syllabus for penalties if essay does not reach minimum length
Source Requirement
Must include at least four (4) cited sources which would be considered reputable (based on the criteria provided in Unit 2) and at least two (2) of the sources must be scholarly sources.
• While you can use more than 4 sources, remember that this is your essay, driven by your ideas. Don’t let your sources overtake your ideas.
• Remember that scholarly sources must be located through the approved SCC databases (Academic Search Complete/EBSCO, Gale/Academic OneFile, and ProQuest) with the search limited to scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.
• Sources from the Opposing Viewpoints database may NOT be used in the essay.
MLA Guidelines
Essay must follow MLA Format
• Times New Roman font, size 12 throughout the essay, 1” margins on all four sides, and no extra spacing between paragraphs (turn OFF this feature in Word)
• A Works Cited page following MLA format (the Works Cited page does not count toward required page length)
• Your name, my name, the course, and date in the top left margin as well as a header with your last name and the page number in the top right corner. For more information, see The MLA style guide provided by Purdue OWL (link on Blackboard in Research section) and/or the MLA Format tutorial in the Video Tutorials section of Blackboard.

This essay will make up 25% of your final grade. I will evaluate essays according to the essay grading rubric provided on Blackboard (in the Course Documents section).

See Course Calendar for relevant due dates.

The questions below may help you brainstorm ideas/points for Essay 3.

• What problem can I realistically propose a solution for in the space and time I have for this essay?
o Can the problem of, for example, world hunger be realistically explained and “solved” in a six-page essay? Consider the difference between proposing solutions to the problem of domestic violence as a whole and proposing solutions to the problem of campus sexual assault (a more specific type of abuse and more narrow group of victims and abusers) or the problem of domestic abusers having access to firearms (a more specific problem within the bigger problem).
• Is the problem I have in mind relevant to a general audience?
o The problem doesn’t have to affect every single person or be a life-or-death issue, but part of convincing a reader is getting them to care about the problem; the problem you focus on should be something that most people would care enough about to believe a solution is needed.
• What background knowledge and historical context will your audience need to understand the problem and why a solution is needed?
• What causes or factors contribute to the problem?
o If your proposed solution is tied to removing or mitigating the cause or causes of the problem, explaining the cause(s) will need to be part of your argument.
• What solution(s) do you want to propose?
o Will you argue for one solution or a series of steps/actions that would work together to solve the problem? If you will be proposing a series of steps/actions, you’ll need to explain how all the steps/actions are necessary and how they work together.
• Has your proposed solution been tried before? In a specific state? In another country?
o If it has and failed in the past, how does your proposal correct or address that previous failure?
• Is there credible evidence, suitable for a general academic audience, to support your claim that your proposed solution(s) would be effective?
• What is the feasibility of your solution(s)?
o What would have to happen (laws passed, money allocated, resources provided) and who would have to be involved (local, state, or federal government? schools, churches, other community organizations) to achieve your solution(s)?
• What possible objections could your audience have? How will you respond to/answer those objections?

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