The incarnational nature of the military chaplain is reflective of the incarnational ministry of Jesus Christ (Matt 1:23). Jesus left his home in heaven, took on human flesh, became a Jewish citizen, adapted to the Jewish culture, yet lived above reproach in a sinful environment to share the Good News and save the souls of people (John 1:14). Likewise, military chaplains leave home, dawn the uniform, become a military member, adapt to military culture, yet live above the sinful environment to share the Good News and see people saved from sin to eternal life.
Therefore, in this research paper the student will examine Jesus’ incarnational life and ministry directly from the Gospels and appraise similarities with the military chaplain’s life and ministry to bear the presence and message of Christ.
Examine Jesus’ incarnational life and ministry directly from the Gospels and appraise similarities with the military chaplain’s life and ministry.
• Write a 1500-word research-based paper.
• Evaluate the incarnational nature of Jesus’ life and ministry from the Gospels (See Overview).
• Explore similarities between Jesus’ incarnational life and ministry and the military chaplain’s incarnational life and ministry (See Overview).
• Assess how Jesus ministered in a religious pluralistic environment and how evangelical military chaplain’s similarly minister in a religious pluralistic environment.
• Explain the advantages of incarnational chaplain ministry to bear the presence and message of Christ.
• Explore the challenges of incarnational ministry to bear the presence and message of Christ.
• Integrate a minimum of 10 relative Scripture passages relating to Jesus’ incarnational life and ministry.
• Integrate a minimum of 5 relative Scripture passages relating to the military chaplain’s incarnational life and ministry.
• Demonstrate interaction with assigned textbooks.
• Include at least 5 supporting reference/sources to include course textbooks, books, scholarly journals and articles.
CHPL 680
This research paper will be primarily judged on the coherence of the arguments and conclusions presented. It will also be evaluated on other objective criteria. The essay must demonstrate a graduate-level use of the English language. This assignment requires critical thinking, logical progression of thought, and appropriate organization. In addition, you must meet the following standards of style and form:
• Adhere to current Turabian format.
• Use 1″ margins on all 4 sides.
• Double-space your text.
• Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
• Indent paragraphs at 5 spaces (0.6″).
• Do not include extra blank lines between paragraphs.
• Use and italicize section headings.
• Include page numbers.
• Include a title page with your name, student ID number, course number/section, instructor’s name, and date. The title page does not count toward the required word count.
• Include a contents page, an Introduction with a thesis sentence, a body with subheadings, footnotes, a conclusion, and a bibliography.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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