Develop a detailed outline on the topic of The Black Death and its effects on the Economic and Social life of Medieval Europe (time period from Roman Empire (reign of Augustus 31 BCE) until the Later Middle Ages (14th Century CE))
Use the following information below to guide you. Please Use bullet points!! Introduction:
-Introduction sentence.
-Include thethis and 5 supportive points.
-Conclusion/transition sentence to the first point.
1st Argument (supportive point)
-Argument itself in complete sentences.
-Expand about it in 4 to 5 sentences.
-Include a citation with a specific quote.
_Include applied quote with MLA intext Citation
_Prohide a hyperlink to the article
_Include MLA Bibliography
2nd Argument (supportive point)
-Argument itself in complete sentences.
-Expand about it in 4 to 5 sentences.
-Include a citation with a specific quote.
_Include applied quote with MLA intext Citation
_Prohide a hyperlink to the article
_Include MLA Bibliography
3d Argument (supportive point)
-Argument itself in complete sentences.
-Expand about it in 4 to 5 sentences.
-Include a citation with a specific quote.
_Include applied quote with MLA intext Citation
_Prohide a hyperlink to the article
_Include MLA Bibliography
4th Argument (supportive point)
-Argument itself in complete sentences.
-Expand about it in 4 to 5 sentences.
-Include a citation with a specific quote.
_Include applied quote with MLA intext Citation
_Prohide a hyperlink to the article
_Include MLA Bibliography
5th Argument (supportive point)
-Argument itself in complete sentences.
-Expand about it in 4 to 5 sentences.
-Include a citation with a specific quote.
_Include applied quote with MLA intext Citation
_Prohide a hyperlink to the article
_Include MLA Bibliography
Note: for 2 of the Arguments Citation you should use a photo/image/painting of that time as a source. Make sure to indicate detailed sources of it in MLA format, and instead of a quote describe the image in detail.
-Rephrase the thesis and 5 arguments
-Write a concluding sentence
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