Teaching Strategies

Please use lesson plan format in the documents below and answer all question in lesson plan: Please create 1 lesson plan for 1st grade NYC. Work sheets should be differentiated for 3 student groups. Students who excel group 1, on target students’ group 2 and students who have learning disabilities as well as English Language Learners group 3. So, three different work sheets for differentiated learning. Case study who is Allan will be in group 3. Aim or Learning Target
Student will be able to identify one major event of a text with 80% accuracy
Student will be able to identify feelings emotions of a character with 80% accuracy
Book to use for lesson
My new friend is so fun! By Willems, Mo

Next Generation are:
1R4: Identify specific words that express feelings and senses. (RI&RL)
1R2: Identify a main topic or central idea in a text and retell important details. (RI&RL)

Please indicate Materials used provide, create Worksheets, Book, Visuals, etc. Attach visuals of materials used (ex- Passage, visuals from book, chart, worksheets, etc.) You can use work sheets from online as long as the website is cited for that work sheet.
Please answer questions below in apa 7 format:

  1. Implications for instruction, teaching strategies, modified materials, suggestions, etc. Ex – What modifications to materials will need to be made for the Case Study Lesson to support the student( Case Study I s Allan who is autistic) What strategies will the teacher need to use in order to support the student and differentiate the work and provide him/her with access to the skills (ex- visual supports, scaffolds, etc.) Be Descriptive. Overall, based on assessment what suggestions are you giving yourself to work with the student for the Case Study Lesson. *Remember the Assessment Results Drive what your Case Study Lesson Plan Will Be. At least 4 teaching strategies are suggested with specific details as to why they are appropriate for the student. Suggested materials, accommodations, etc. are clearly described in 500 words or more. At least 3 peer-reviewed sources are cited
  2. Intervention Program and next steps – 2-3 paragraphs talking about how the student performed during the Case Study Lesson Plan and in two paragraphs discuss the 2 follow up lessons to the Case Study Lesson Plan. This is based on what you assessed from the student after giving him/her the Case Study Lesson Plan. The 2 follow up lessons should be sequential and build on each other.

Case study Allan literacy weaknesses assessment:
Allan is not able to identify one major event of a text. He is not able to make a comment about a text using PMC, He cannot identify feelings emotions of a character nor make a logical prediction about what will happen next in a text. Allan cannot answer a who, what and where questions about a text.
Case study Allan literacy strengths assessment:
Allan can Identify own name
Decodes/reads 10 nonsense CVC words
Reads 10-15 high frequency words
Demonstrates letter-sound correspondence by producing/identifying the primary sound of all consonants
Demonstrates letter-sound correspondence by producing/identifying the short vowel sounds of all vowels
Follow words being read on a page from left to right and top to bottom with return sweep
Identifies the title and author of a book
Identifies the character and setting of a text
Allan’s Profile 1ST GRADE
Received early intervention services, cpse
Current services on IEP PT, ST Special ed
Personal information
Allan is a 6 year old boy diagnosed with autism, lives with his dad, mom, and his younger brother. He comes from a low income family. He is bilingual, speaking both English and Russian. Allan responds to both languages and is capable of answering questions. He is aware of his gender and the genders of his peers.
His favourite color is blue, and he really likes whales. Allan enjoys eating noodles and reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” In terms of sports, he enjoys football. During school, he particularly enjoys singing, and one of his favourite activities is swimming. Allan takes pleasure in his ability to share and help his mom at home. He wants to become a fireman when he grows up and exhibits a strong interest in counting.
Allan’s favourite color is blue, and he really likes whales. Allan enjoys eating noodles and reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” In terms of sports, he enjoys soccer. During school, he particularly enjoys singing during music and reading the lyrics to a song. He also enjoys watching “Paw Patrol” and playing with other children while adhering to set boundaries. One of his favourite activities is swimming. Allan takes pleasure in his ability to share and help his mom at home. He wants to become a fireman when he grows up and exhibits a strong interest in counting.
Allan demonstrates proficiency in knowing his first name, last name, colors, shapes, and numbers. He can count up to 100 and even counts to 12 by threes. He could read numbers like 2500 and 1000. He likes doing certain tasks by himself, like putting his lunch box away into the lunch box cart, he does not like when his class mates take tasks away from him,
Despite his strengths, Allan encounters challenges in social situations with his classmates. During carpet time, he tends to sit alone in a corner and needs reminders/prompts to join the rest of the group during carpet time. Additionally, he struggles with cooperative play and becomes easily upset when someone takes a toy away from him during center time (where they play with different toys throughout the week), such as when building magnetic tiles. He responds with frustration, crying, and screaming. Allan does not consistently make full eye contact, and he often needs assistance transitioning from one activity to another, requiring reminders approximately 50% of the time. He gets distracted by other classmates if they are not following directions, and tries to role play as a teacher, and will say things to his classmates as, “ you are not sitting criss cross apple sauce on the carpet, please fix yourself”. He requires help & redirection 50% of the time, with unpacking for school during the morning routine which entails: taking off your jacket, bookbag and hanging it up in the closet. Putting the homework folder into the bin, giving me his snack for snack time and putting his lunch box and water away into lunch box crate.
• Allan reads at a mid-1st grade level.
• His vocabulary is not always age-appropriate.
• Allan needs prompting to use the bathroom, as he tends to withhold it.
• Allan occasionally requires assistance with using objects.
• Allan has delays in receptive, expressive, and pragmatic language skills, fine motor, and gross motor skills.
Physical Challenges
• Allan has difficulties with jumping.
• He struggles with processing auditory information and has challenges with emotional regulation.

For Allan’s assessment he was given the RDI ,a tool used to monitor and track students’ progress in developing literacy skills. It consists of a series of stages that represent different levels of reading development, from emergent literacy behaviours to more advanced reading skills. The assessment helps educators identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in various aspects of reading, such as decoding, comprehension, and fluency.

Allan is not able to identify one major event of a text. He is not able to make a comment about a text using PMC, He cannot identify feelings emotions of a character nor make a logical prediction about what will happen next in a text. Allan cannot answer a who, what and where questions about a text.

Lesson Plan Template
Course Number: _____
Name: _____________ Date: _________
Theme: ____________ Subject: _______
Grade level: _________

Behavioral Objective:
• Content: The student will be able to ______________ as demonstrated by _________________.

Next Generation Learning Standards Addressed in this Lesson:

Focus Question: (aim to be written on the board for students)
Materials: (list all materials needed as if it were being published and being done by others)

Motivation: (how are you going to excite the children and ensure they are cognitively engaged)

1) Direct Teacher Instruction: (this is your time to actually teach the lesson by modeling the learning)
• How are you activating “Prior Knowledge?”

• How are you, as a teacher, “modeling” your thinking?

• What key questions have you planned to ensure that students are thinking critically throughout the direct instructional component? (Depth of Knowledge protocol)

• How are you “checking for understanding” as you are teaching?

2) Guided Practice: (this is the time for grouping/partner work when you provide support)
• How are you grouping your students (ability level, heterogeneously, behavioral/learning style differences)?

• How are you differentiating the learning experiences for the students?

• What scaffolded supports are you providing to ensure all students are able to access the lesson?

3) Assessment through Independent Practice: (this is when the students work on an activity on their on that allows you to ascertain how successfully they have learned what you have taught)
• What activity are you using to assess the learning?

• How is the assessment differentiated to meet the needs of your students?

• How does this serve as your final “check for understanding?”
Reflection: (lesson evaluation by you as the teacher) Imagine that you actually delivered this lesson.
• How are you going to change the lesson if it was too basic (easy) for the majority of the class?
o What are you going to do for those students who do not have the learning while you challenge the others?

• How are you going to change the lesson if it was too inaccessible (difficult) for the majority of the class?
o What skills do your students need to develop before they can access this learning?
o How are you going to ensure they develop those skills?
o What are you going to do for those students who do have the learning while you strengthen the others?

Implications for future teaching practice
• What specific changes do you intend to make in your teaching or classroom environment as a result of the reflection on this lesson?

Follow up:
• What additional activities, lessons, homework and/ or trips will you use to reinforce, enrich and deeply embed the learning for your students?

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