Supporting Individuals with Dementia

Support individuals with dementia in the emergency and urgent care setting

Learning Outcome 1 : Understand legislation guidelines and agreed ways of working in the emergency and urgent care setting. 

Assessment Criteria

1.1 Outline current legislation that governs dementia.

1.2 Outline local and national context of dementia.

1.3 Explain own role and responsibilities in supporting individuals with dementia.

1.4 Explain roles and responsibilities of others in supporting individuals with dementia.

Learning Outcome 2 : Understand pathophysiology and neurology of dementia. 

Assessment Criteria

2.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’.

2.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia.

2.3 Describe a range of causes of dementia.

2.4 Describe the following features of dementia: • Cognitive • Behavioural • Neurological.

2.5 Differentiate between the pathophysiology of the four types of dementia.

2.6 Describe the types of memory impairment commonly experienced by individuals with dementia.

2.7 Outline the way that individuals process information with reference to the abilities and limitations with dementia.

2.8 Explain how other factors can cause changes in an individual’s condition that may not be attributable to dementia.

2.9 Explain why the abilities and needs of an individual with dementia may fluctuate.

2.10 Describe the progressive nature of dementia.

Learning Outcome 3 : Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia. 

Assessment Criteria

3.1 Describe the medical model of dementia.

3.2 Describe the social model of dementia.

3.3 Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability.

Learning Outcome 4 : Understand riskimpact of recognition and diagnosis of dementia in the emergency and urgent care setting. 

Assessment Criteria

4.1 Outline prevalence rates for different types of dementia.

4.2 Explain the importance of early diagnosis of dementia.

4.3 Describe the impact of early diagnosis and follow up to diagnosis.

4.4 Describe how dementia can impact on daily activities.

4.5 Explain risk factors for the most common causes of dementia

4.6 Explain the importance of recording possible signs or symptoms of dementia in line with agreed ways of working.

4.7 Explain the process of reporting possible signs of dementia in line with agreed ways of working.

4.8 Describe the possible impact of receiving a diagnosis of dementia on the: • Individual • Family • Carer • Others.

4.9 Explain how existing long term conditions could be impacted with a diagnosis of dementia.

4.10 Explain how the following may impact on pain assessment: • Cognitive Impairment • Aphasia • Agnosia.

4.11 Describe the impact of memory and language difficulties on communication.

4.12 Outline the impact of: • Younger onset dementia • Dementia with learning disabilities.

Learning Outcome 5 : Understand how dementia care must be underpinned by a person centred approaches. 

Assessment Criteria

5.1 Compare a person centred and non- person centred approach to dementia care.

5.2 Describe a range of different techniques that can be used to meet the fluctuating abilities and needs of individuals with dementia.

5.3 Describe how myths and stereotypes related to dementia may affect individuals with dementia.

5.4 Describe ways in which individuals and carers can be supported to overcome their fears.

5.5 Explain the importance of carers, relatives and ‘dementia friends’ to those suffering from dementia.

5.6 Explain how compassion in practice can help healthcare professionals care for an individual living with dementia.

5.7 Explain the importance of recognising individuals with dementia as unique individuals.

Learning Outcome 6 : Understand the needs of a person with dementia who is distressed. 

Assessment Criteria

6.1 Identify the common types, causes and triggers for distressed behaviour.

6.2 Describe how to respond when a person with dementia is expressing stress and distress.

6.3 Explain how your practice may need to be adapted for patients showing stress or distress with dementia.

6.4 Recognise the importance of gaining access to support and interventions to alleviate stress and distress.

Learning Outcome 7 : Understand the needs of those with dementia experiencing pain. 

Assessment Criteria

7.1 Describe how to recognise pain in those suffering from dementia.

7.2 Explain how treatment of pain in those with dementia differs from others.

7.3 Outline non-pharmacological methods of controlling pain in those with dementia in line with agreed ways of working.

7.4 Outline pharmacological methods of controlling pain in line with agreed ways of working.

Learning Outcome 8 : Understand effective communication to individuals with dementia in the emergency and urgent care setting. 

Assessment Criteria

8.1 Explain the importance of communicating with compassion to individuals with dementia.

8.2 Explain the importance of active listening when supporting individuals with dementia.

8.3 Explain additional communication considerations when supporting individuals with dementia.

Learning Outcome 9 : Understand how to signpost individuals and carers to appropriate support. 

Assessment Criteria

9.1 Outline ways of signposting individuals, families and carers to: • Dementia advice • Dementia support • Dementia information • Specialist services • Health promotion information.

9.2 Outline systems available in own organisation to signpost individuals to appropriate support.

Learning Outcome 10 : Understand pharmacological interventions of individual with dementia in the emergency and urgent care setting. 

Assessment Criteria

10.1 Outline common medications used to treat the symptoms of dementia.

10.2 Outline the issues around polypharmacy for individuals with dementia.

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