Superior Online Instructor Infographic

Have you ever seen motivational quotes, images, or infographics on social media? Have you ever posted them yourself? An infographic is a creative way to illustrate concepts visually. You can use infographics to convey information to your online students, and you can also ask your online students to produce them as an alternative to typical text-only assignments. For this Assignment, you create an inspirational infographic highlighting your goals and best practices for online instruction.
To Prepare:

Review Interviews With Effective Online Instructors from this module’s Learning Resources. Consider the key skills and pedagogical styles that superior online instructors possess.

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.

Complete the following:

Create an infographic with at least five images and/or words that illustrate the key skills and pedagogical styles that superior online instructors possess. (See the links to free infographic generators in the Optional Learning Resources or use your search engine to find resources for creating free infographics.)
In 250 words, explain the choices you made in creating your infographic.

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