Summative Assessment: Synthesis Paper

Social workers play a pivotal role in effecting change in people’s lives—regardless of demographic or socioeconomic status. In this assignment you will consider the advocacy needs of immigrants and refugees and determine how social policy and activism can best serve their needs.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper analyzing a social problem related to immigrants or refugees in the United States. The paper should demonstrate outside research and cite at least 3 journal articles in addition to the textbook.

Include the following in your paper:

Problem Definition

  1. Identify the problem and causes to which the problem is attributed.
  2. Why is this concern being raised as a problem at this time in history? Is this a new problem?
  3. Who is now defining this issue as a social problem, and how is that different from the past? What conditions are different? How is society different?
  4. Who has power regarding this issue?

Global Connections

  1. Explain how the United States is connected socially and economically with other countries and what relevance this connection has on the selected problem.
  2. Describe the problem’s impact and the extent of its effect on society, both locally and globally.

Values and Beliefs

  1. What are the values and beliefs that define this issue as a social problem?
  2. How do those values, beliefs, and social work ethics influence the social welfare policy-making process?

Social Welfare Programs and Policies

  1. What ideologies, theories, or paradigms of the social welfare system are relevant to this problem?
  2. Discuss this problem’s relevance in respect to social welfare programs and policies. Is there a role for social work? If so, what is it?
  3. Is the problem adequately addressed by current social welfare policies and programs? Is there more or less that should be done?

Future Action

  1. What are your suggested changes or approaches to the problem?
  2. How might policy practice, advocacy, and social action work together to address the problem?

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