Discussion Thread: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision Models
Developing strategy begins with thinking strategically and knowing what the key decisions are. The decision models that you employ will directly impact the quality of the decisions you make so understanding them is critical.
Minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following outline:
• Introduction
• Process: Business Strategy Development – What is the process in no less than 200 words
• Strategic Thinking: Key Decisions – What are the necessary for making strategy choices and why are they important in no less than 150 words
• Decision Model – What are my decision models and how do they aid / hinder this process in no less than 150 words
• Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources:
• Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
• Summary of Key Points
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
• Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion Reply: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread.
Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread – no less than 125 words
• Critique – What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Discussion Thread: Setting Direction, Advantages / Disadvantages, and Decision Models
Strategy is critical to the process of charting a company’s direction in the business environment. When evaluating strategic choices, it is important to understand key advantages and disadvantages of the various options under consideration. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.
Minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following outline:
• Introduction
• Process: Setting the Company’s Direction with Strategy – What is the process in no less than 200 words
• Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key Advantage or Disadvantage – From Rumelt text. What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words
• Decision Model – no less than 100 words
• How do my decision models aid / hinder this process and why
• What other decision models are being considered and why
• Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources:
• Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
• Summary of Key Points
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
• Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion Reply: Setting Direction, Advantages / Disadvantages, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread – no less than 125 words
• Critique – What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Discussion Thread: External Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models
Evaluating the external environment that the company does business in is critical to the process of developing a company’s strategy. When evaluating the external environment, it is important to understand key sources of power or weakness that exist. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.
Minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following outline:
• Introduction
• Process: Evaluating the External Environment – What is the process in no less than 200 words
• Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key source of Power / Weakness ‐ What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words
• Decision Model – no less than 100 words
• How do my decision models aid / hinder this process and why
• What other decision models are being considered and why
• Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources:
• Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
• Summary of Key Points
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
• Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion Reply: External Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread – no less than 125 words
• Critique – What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Discussion Thread: Internal Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models
Evaluating the internal environment of the company is critical to the process of developing a company’s strategy. When evaluating the internal environment, it is important to understand key sources of power or weakness that exist. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.
Minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following outline:
• Introduction
• Process: Evaluating the Internal Environment ‐ What is the process in no less than 200 words
• Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key source of Power / Weakness ‐ What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words
• Decision Model – no less than 100 words
• How do my decision models aid / hinder this, why
• What decision models are being considered, why
• Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources:
• Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
• Summary of Key Points
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
• Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion Reply: Internal Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread – no less than 125 words
• Critique – What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Discussion Thread: Competitive Approach, Competitive Scope, and Decision Models
Deciding on a competitive approach for the company is critical to the process of developing a company’s strategy. Careful consideration must also be given to the company’s competitive scope. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.
Minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following outline:
• Introduction
• Process: Deciding on a Competitive Approach ‐ What is the process in no less than 200 words
• Strategic Thinking: Deciding on Competitive Scope ‐ What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words
• Geographic Scope
• Production / Distribution Scope
• Decision Model – no less than 100 words
• How do my decision models aid / hinder this and why
• What decision models are being considered and why
• Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources:
• Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
• Summary of Key Points
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
• Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion Reply: Competitive Approach, Competitive Scope, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread – no less than 125 words
• Critique – What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps
Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid process for effective execution. It is important to take the power of strategy design and the power of focus into consideration. Finally, good decision making relies on avoiding decision traps that can take the company down the wrong path.
Minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following outline:
• Introduction
• Process: Effective Execution of Strategy ‐ What is the process in no less than 200 words
• Strategic Thinking: Power of Design vs. Power of Focus ‐ What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words
• Decision Model – Key Decision Traps to Avoid ‐ no less than 100 words
• Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.
Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources:
• Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
• Summary of Key Points
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
• Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
• Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion Reply: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread – no less than 125 words
• Critique – What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
Support your factual assertions with citations.
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