Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing


Strategies for mental health and wellbeing must be a priority for all organisations seeking to improve their productivity, capability, reputation and quality of outcomes. Prioritising mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is rapidly gaining traction through political and social campaigning. People are challenging the ‘always-on’ 24/7 culture, and the term ‘work-life’ balance is emerging as a requirement, rather than an aspiration.

Assessment brief CMI 716 has been designed to enable leaders to evidence their understanding of the impact of mental health and wellbeing on organisational performance. Leaders will critically assess the complexities of managing wellbeing and approaches for the creation of healthy work systems. Ultimately, the assessment will provide leaders with the opportunity to propose recommendations to create and sustain a culture of mental health and wellbeing within an organisational context.


Assessment TaskLearning outcomes covered by assessment methodAssessment criteriaGuideline word count
1 LO1 Understand the impact of mental health and wellbeing on organisational performance1.1 Discuss the impact of mental health and wellbeing on organisational performanceApprox.  2000 words
1.2 Critically assess the complexities of managing mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context
1.3 Critically evaluate contemporary approaches for creating healthy work systems
2 LO2 Know how to develop a culture of mental health and wellbeing2.1 Propose a strategy to promote mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context The strategy must include: Selected strategies for mental health and wellbeing tailored to organisational need Alignment/relationship of strategies with the organisation’s vision, mission, assets/resources, strategic objectives. Leadership approaches (AC2.1)  Approx. 2000 words
2.2 Critically appraise approaches for implementing and sustaining a culture of mental health and wellbeing You are required to critically appraise a minimum of THREE (3) approaches for implementing and sustaining a culture of mental health and wellbeing (AC2.2)

Guideline word count

The written word, however generated and recorded, is still expected to form the majority of assessable work produced by Learners at Level 7. The amount and volume of work for this unit should be broadly comparable to a word count of 3500 – 4000 words within a margin of +/-10%. The excessive use of word count is not grounds for referral, however the CMI reserve the right to return work to the Centre for editing and resubmission by the Learner. 

The following are excluded from inclusion in word count, if used and not required by the assessment brief an introduction to a job role, organisation or department, index or contents pages, headings and sub headings, diagrams, charts and graphs, reference list or bibliography, reflective statement drawn from undertaking the assessment and how this has impacted on the learner’s work.

Please see the CMI Assessment Guidance Policy for further guidance


Evidence suggests that mental health and wellbeing impacts on individual and organisational success. The aim of Task 1 is to enable leaders to discuss the impact of mental health and wellbeing on organisational performance. They will critically assess the complexities of managing wellbeing and will have the opportunity to evaluate approaches for creating healthy work systems


Task 1.  Write a report entitled:

‘Mental health and wellbeing – The door to opportunity’

The report must be presented in THREE (3) sections:

i. The impact of mental health and wellbeing on organisational performance

Discuss the impact of mental health and wellbeing on organisational performance (AC1.1)

ii. The complexities of managing mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context

Critically assess the complexities of managing mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context (AC1.2)

iii. Contemporary approaches for creating healthy work systems

Critically evaluate contemporary approaches for creating healthy work systems (AC1.3)

Guidance for completion of Task 1
The report must be based on an organisation you know well or have researched. You must include well-chosen examples and reference to legal and regulatory requirements. The report should include subheadings. You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate) to support your report. Please refer to the indicative content for each of the assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.


Placing mental health and wellbeing at the centre of organisational strategy is essential if initiatives to respond effectively to the individual needs of its workforce are to succeed.

The aim of Task 2 is to enable leaders to propose a strategy to promote mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context. To support this activity, leaders will have the opportunity to critically appraise approaches to implement and sustain a culture of mental health and wellbeing successfully.


You are required to develop a proposal entitled:

‘Proposal for developing a positive culture of mental health and wellbeing’

You are required to present the proposal in TWO (2) sections:

i. Strategy to promote mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context

You are required to propose a strategy to promote mental health and wellbeing in an organisational context. The strategy must include:

  • Selected strategies for mental health and wellbeing tailored to organisational need
  • Alignment/relationship of strategies with the organisation’s vision, mission, assets/resources, strategic objectives.
  • Leadership approaches (AC2.1)

ii. Approaches for implementing and sustaining a culture of mental health and wellbeing

You are required to critically appraise a minimum of THREE (3) approaches for implementing and sustaining a culture of mental health and wellbeing (AC2.2)

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