Speech Therapy Readings About Autism


Please read the assigned readings. Please respond to the questions mentioned below after reading the readings. Each reading should be followed by a set of questions. Please do not utilize any outside sources to answer the following questions. Please use at least one in-text citation for each reading/ set of questions.

Assigned Reading 1
1.Summary ( 4-5 sentences )
2.Why is this topic important? ( 1-2 sentences)

  1. What is the purpose of this article? ( 2 sentences)
  2. What is the perspective of the authors? (2- 3 sentences)
  3. What do the authors recommend? (2- 3 sentences)
  4. How will these recommendations help SLP or health care professionals now or in the future? (2- 3 sentences)

Assigned Reading 2
1.Summary ( 4-5 sentences )
2.Why is this topic important? ( 1-2 sentences)

  1. What is the purpose of this article? ( 2 sentences)
  2. What is the perspective of the authors? (2- 3 sentences)
  3. What do the authors recommend? (2- 3 sentences)
  4. How will these recommendations help SLP or health care professionals now or in the future? (2- 3 sentences)

Assigned Reading 3
1.Summary ( 4-5 sentences )
2.Why is this topic important? ( 1-2 sentences)

  1. What is the purpose of this article? ( 2 sentences)
  2. What is the perspective of the authors? (2- 3 sentences)
  3. What do the authors recommend? (2- 3 sentences)
  4. How will these recommendations help SLP or health care professionals now or in the future? (2- 3 sentences)

Assigned Reading 4
1.Summary ( 4-5 sentences )
2.Why is this topic important? ( 1-2 sentences)

  1. What is the purpose of this article? ( 2 sentences)
  2. What is the perspective of the authors? (2- 3 sentences)
  3. What do the authors recommend? (2- 3 sentences)
  4. How will these recommendations help SLP or health care professionals now or in the future? (2- 3 sentences)

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