Soil Fertility

TOPIC: Use of stable isotopes in nutrition studies in soil/crop systems

  1. In 700 – 800 words using 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing and normal margins.
  • You must prepare the report in your own words and information from any source must be paraphrased and the source identified appropriately “in-text” and in the list of References.
  • Fundamentally, a Literature Review is an objective report that provides an account of existing circumstances, and highlights the key scientific research findings, in the subject area. The latter must focus on research that have contributed to an improved understanding of the subject including the benefits these findings provide to stakeholders.
  • The identification and referencing of the research entities—individuals, groups, institutions—involved in the research are fundamental to this type of review.
  • The Organizational Structure of the review MUST include an Introduction providing your own understanding of the importance of the topic—with minimal use of references—and followed by strategically organized Sections with sub-headings relevant to the main topic in the most effective order.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style 16th ed. (Author-Date System) is the recommended format for using references IN-TEXT and listing them at the end of the Paper in the section on References.
  • The similarity index MUST be less than 15%.

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