Workbooks provide opportunities to relate course materials to media, scenarios, and supplemental resources in an experiential/reflective manner. Full credit replies meet length requirements, sufficiently address every component of each prompt, adhere to format/citation specifications outlined in here/our syllabus, and cite at least two course concepts. A typical paragraph consists of 4-7 sentences. Length specifications indicate the minimum expected, but you will not be marked down for exceeding limits. Insights should be original, well thought out, and supported by materials.
Type responses onto this form, using a single-spaced standard
12-point Times New Roman font on numbered pages with 1-inch margins.
If there’s a prompt that you’re uncomfortable with, discuss alternative options in advance with me ASAP. Upload to the allotted section of the Canvas “Assignments”
TOTAL POSSIBLE = 25 points
-5% from any prompt which only cites one course concept
-10% from any prompt which does not apply and cite any course concepts
-10% from any prompt with lengthy quotes, titles listed in responses, or redundant content
-10% from overall score for not adhering to format (normal 12-point Times New Roman font, numbered pages, single spaced, 1-inch margins)
Unless there are documented/exigent circumstances, 2% will be subtracted from the overall score for each day it’s late. 20% will be deducted for work submitted 10+ days past deadline
WEEK #6 – MARRIAGE & FAMILIES (+6 points)
(6) Apply one practice recommended by Gibson (2015) – which include evaluating true vs role selves (p.124-125), focusing on relatedness/observations (p.146-148), maturity awareness (p.148-157), assessing someone’s/your own maturity level (p.191-192), or developing new relationship habits (p.193-195). Reflect in 4 paragraphs about your experience with this process and what you learned. What aspects were the most and the least helpful, respectively? Why?
…up to +6 points (+2 process; +2 what you learned; +1 most helpful aspects; +1 what was the least useful aspect or what you would have liked more elaboration on by Gibson)
(7) Write 4 paragraphs reflecting on either or both guest lectures by JJ Javelet and Bootblack D. Commentary should include how their presentations connected with course materials or related to personal experiences. What aspects did you especially value or find the most insightful/helpful? Which points would you have liked more elaboration about – or what is something else that you wish had been discussed?
…up to +5 points (+3 thoughts on how guest lecture/s related to course materials and/or personal experiences; +1 most valued aspects; +1 what you would have liked more info about)
WEEK #8 – KINK (+7 points)
(8) Select an unconventional, stigmatized or kink activity, identity, or community that you are not very knowledgeable about. Do not analyze a topic already reviewed in class – like furries, pups, foot fetishes, gay-for-play, or BDSM/Leather. Then, in a similar manner as the pup play study, elaborate on each of these aspects:
●Describe 3 ways that an outsider could misinterpret aspects of this (1 paragraph)
●Locate a few personal accounts by self-identified practitioners from blogs, podcasts, articles, interviews, or academic studies. Present some accounts, experiences, benefits, and/or meanings that were expressed from the standpoint of practitioners (2 paragraphs)
● Summarize the strengths of using grounded theory to understand this behavior and how it can address limitations, biases, and other problems due to ethnocentrism (1 paragraph)
…up to +6 points (+0.5 x 3 misinterpretations among outsiders; +3.5 experiences & meanings shared by practitioners; +1 benefits of grounded theory; +1 how grounded theory addresses & improves on problematic/ethnocentric understandings)
WEEK #9 – SEX WORK (+7 points)
(9) Visit a mainstream sex shop online or in person – such as Adam & Eve, Hustler, Babeland, Spectrum Boutique, Honey Birdette, or Lovehoney. Then explore a more specialized or “niche” company – like Stockroom, Rough Trade Gear, Chakrubs, Pup Play Store, Venus & Violet Latex, Demask, Bondesque, or Kilcodo Costumes. Write 4 paragraphs on how each shop’s design, models, targeted consumers, and products compare/contrast. Overall, how do they convey who/what is sexy, which kinds of customers they seem to be appealing to, and what types of acts/products are pleasurable? (*note: these shops may feature sexual content/nudity -although Honey Birdette, Chakrubs, Venus & Violet, or Kilcodo Costumes generally do not)
…up to 7 points (+0.75 x2 each shop’s design/models/aesthetic; +0.75 x 2 each shop’s products/services; +0.75 x 2 each shop’s targeted consumers; +1.25 x 2 summarizing how each shop overall expresses who and what is desirable)
WEEK #6 (TOTAL /6)
/+2 process
/+2 what you learned
/+1 most helpful aspects
/+1 least/limited usefulness and/or what could have been more helpful
WEEK #7 (TOTAL /5)
/+3 thoughts on how guest lecture/s related to course materials and/or personal experiences
/+1 most helpful or valued aspects
/+1 what you would have liked more info about
WEEK #8 (TOTAL /7)
/+0.5 x 3 ethnocentric misinterpretations
/+3.5 practitioners’ experiences & meanings
/+1 benefits of grounded theory
/+1 how grounded theory addresses ethnocentrism & improves on understandings
WEEK #9 (TOTAL /7)
/+0.75 x 2 each shop’s design/web design/models/aesthetics
/+0.75 x 2 each shop’s products/services
/+0.75 x 2 each shop’s targeted customers
/+1.25 x 2 how each shop overall expresses who and what is desirable
_ citation penalties
_ late penalties
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