SEC 10-K project

  1. Write a brief report of at least one-page. Consider using bullet points.
  2. This report will assist you in the final SEC 10-K project deliverables.
  3. Submit it as a Word document.
  4. Apple Inc. SEC 10-K link below.


The report should include the following:

  • Sections or line items of the Balance Sheet including but not limited to:
    • Fiscal Year End Date for the two years presented
    • Definition of Fiscal Year if not last day of month (i.e. December 31)
    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Equity
    • Working Capital with an explanation of changes from the prior year
    • Identify new line items or items that do not appear in the most recent year
    • Refer to Statement of Shareholders’ Equity to describe major changes (i.e. Retained Earnings became Accumulated Deficit)
    • You can use graphs, but explain it

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