Role of Health Policy

  1. Final Paper
    Learning Outcomes
    Program Learning Outcome &
    General Education Competency Course-Specific Learning Outcome
    Plan and organize resources essential for the efficient operation and equitable delivery of health services.
    HCPM Program Outcome #2
    Information Literacy
    General Education Competency
    Inquiry and Analysis
    General Education Competency Comprehend basic concepts in law and their impact on health institutional operations
    Comprehend basic concepts in law and their impact on health institutional operations by planning and organizing resources essential for the efficient operation and equitable delivery of health services
    Healthcare policy is a vital aspect of the United States healthcare system to shape and protect the health and well-being of everyone. Health policy refers to the decisions, goals, and actions that determine how care is administered, policies being made, and accessed (in terms of overall healthcare, coverage, and cost). It involves the rules and regulations set forth by lawmakers on a local, state, and national level for example the Affordable Care Act.
  2. COVID
  3. Abortion
  4. Gender Affirming
  5. Medicaid expansion
  6. Cosmetic Surgery
  7. You may choose your own topic; it must be approved by the professor by December 9th

For your final paper –in an APA format, explain a healthcare issue regarding social barriers from the topics above nowadays. You must include a policy, credible news source(s), journal articles, and legal cases we have/have not discussed in class
• Must be an APA format with the following:

 Title page
 Abstract page
 5 pages of core written content
 Time New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, page numbering
 Proper introduction & conclusion paragraphs
 Reference/bibliography page (alphabetical order)
• Present data such as facts and statistics
• Provide policies/laws, journal articles, current events, and (2) court cases,
• Provide a minimum of four credible sources
• All in-text citations and references must follow the APA format
• Avoid plagiarism

As a future healthcare administrator, why is it important to implement policies for providing general access to healthcare and the impact on services/delivery in the U.S.A. using the arguments you stated in your paper? Explain the legal healthcare issue (topic) regarding social barriers, and consider its impact on healthcare and how it can create and/or eliminate social barriers currently in 2024 and beyond.

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