Retail Distribution Logistics Assignment

Consumers no longer see the line between traditional and online shopping and digital disruption has seen new retailers enter the marketplace and major High Street brands disappear. Many retailers approach e-commerce as an extension of their physical activity, while others are creating innovative solutions to e-commerce supply chain challenges.

Purpose of this assessment

This assessment is designed to test your ability to critically analyse the impact of e-commerce on the outbound supply chain.

It brings together the 2 key learning outcomes of the module:

  • Through appropriate research critically evaluate the outbound logistics function of a retail operation and recommend improvement ideas and concepts
  • Through analysis and synthesis of information demonstrate your knowledge of distribution and logistics with respect to linkages and integration with other business functions and the customer


“According to McKinsey, [during 2020] 10 years of e-commerce adoption was compressed into three months. And, not only did the shift to an e-commerce-first mindset happen in countries where online shopping was already widely accepted, but it also happened in cultures where in-person, local, cash-reliant and daily shopping is the norm. It’s likely that consumer behaviour will never return to what it was pre-pandemic, but rather take form under a new normal driven by convenience, flexibility and personalisation — all of which can be accomplished through e-commerce.”[1]

“Dixons Carphone today said its online electricals sales more than tripled over eight weeks when its Currys PC World and Carphone Warehouse shops were closed at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. Ecommerce continued to grow even when shops reopened – though growth then moderated to doubling, compared to the same time last year.”[2]

“The problem is that many established retailers tend to approach ecommerce as an extension of their physical activity… It’s often seen as another flagship store that just takes products and uses the existing supply chain. There often isn’t the innovation or radical rethinking of how the organisation works.”[3]

Assignment Brief

Task 1 – 65% of the grade

Acting as a Business Consultant to a UK retailer, prepare a report that critically analyses their current retail e-commerce position and the impact of this on their outbound supply chain. 

Task 2 – 25% of the grade

Looking over the next 5-10 years, make recommendations to a new retailer (in the same or a different retail sector) to enable them to build a resilient outbound supply chain for the future. This will require you to critically evaluate the future challenges your organisation is likely to face in this area of its business. 

10% of the grade will be awarded for the use of appropriate references and citations, and overall presentation.

Assessment Strategy

The report should include but not necessarily be limited to:

  • Single, multi- and omni-channel strategy
  • Technology
  • Warehousing
  • Customer behaviour, loyalty and relationship management
  • Customer deliveries (store and/or home)
  • Returns and reverse logistics
  • CSR considerations

For each of the points you are required to produce evidence to support your position and recommendations.


Students must be able to demonstrate an understanding of relevant theories and analytical models and apply them to aid the analysis of this environment.

You will be expected to critically evaluate all of the key perspectives of this assignment rather than a description.

You will be required to show evidence of research around the key elements of outbound supply chains and their impact on the organisation and customers.  Research of the chosen companies should be placed in the context of the report.

Word Limit

This is a 3,500 word assignment (excluding contents page and appendices) in the form of a structured management report that follows the assessment strategy.

Students are advised to stick closely to the word limit within a maximum +/- 10% variation in total word count. Work submitted that exceeds the word limit will be penalised by 10 percentage points on the basis of failure to demonstrate academic discipline.

Structure and Outline of the Report

  • Executive Summary
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Main Body (including Headings)
  • introduction – M&S brief history scan and scope
  • talk about how most business both apparel, food and technology are rapidly adopting technology and e-commerce
  • talk about aldi/lidl e-commerce retail
  • also talk about how the Covid-19 has become a catalyst in accelerating the adoption of e-commerce
  • Main body (including headings)
  • current retail e-commerce position and the impact of this on their outbound supply chain.
  • Conclusions / Recommendations
  • Appendices
  • References
  • Word Count:    3,500 +/- 10%




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