Research Process

Discussion: Research Presentation
An important part of research is obtaining funding and support for your project. Not only is funding an important aspect of being able to conduct the research, but you must first gain the support for the project itself from the organization connected to your project. This typically includes your university or research organization as applicable, as well as any organizations you will be working with together data. Additionally, grant funding is highly preferred in conducting research.
For this discussion, you should familiarize yourself with the university mission and vision statements, strategic plan, and any other University or department goals that might be applicable to your project. Additionally, you will select one or more grant funding organizations and applicable grants you might be able to use for your project. You can identify these grant organizations on the Internet using your search engine, or an appropriate one from Links to an external site.. The grant source is up to you, but your project must fit the grant funding criteria presented.

PROMPT: For this discussion, you must:
Using your completed, or nearly completed, research project you have been working on through this class, present a written narrative outlining your project, demonstrating how it aligns with university mission and vision documents, and demonstrating how it fits with the grant you have chosen. Be sure to identify the grant, and provide a link to that information. Be certain your project as presented demonstrates the what, why, and (briefly) the how, of your research project.
Then, create a short (2-3 min.) Video presenting this information to the class as though you are presenting it to the grant funding organization to convince them to fund your project.
Your replies to other students should take the perspective that you are the grant organization considering funding the project, and present any feedback to at least two of your fellow students regarding the validity and efficacy of their project, and how likely their project is to be funded based on what was presented.

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