Au Pair. (n.d.). Au Pair in the USA: Contract and insurance. Au Pair in the USA: contract and insurance.
Purpose: The document’s primary goal is to discuss insurance and the contract of the Au Pair program for those moving to the U.S.
Bikova, M. (2015). Au pair arrangement in Norway and Transnational Organization of Care. Migrant Domestic Workers and Family Life, pp. 52–72.
Purpose: The document looks at how Norway has succeeded in using au pairs and the benefits it has brought to them. It helps look at how the organization of care helps improve people’s way of life.
Covert, B. (2021, September 20). The Affordable Care Act can help au pairs avoid medical debt.
Purpose: The document aims to ensure that the au pairs can get good medical programs to prevent them from accumulating much debt. That ensures that they also have the right to good healthcare.
Cox, R. (2012). Chapter 3 gendered work and migration regimes. Transnational Migration, Gender and Rights, pp. 33–52.
Purpose: Examines the relationship between the gendering of domestic labor – its construction as “women’s work” – and the treatment of people who perform such labour within migratory regimes. Thus far, research on paid domestic workers has identified multiple examples of migrant domestic workers being subject to more stringent, restrictive, or invasive visa regulations than other migrant employees.
Cox, R. (2015). Conclusion: When is a worker not a worker? Tackling the contradictions of Au pairing. Au Pairs’ Lives in Global Context, pp. 235–249.
Purpose: Discuss au pair experiences and regulations in many countries. It highlights the same ambiguities that define au pairing in all national settings, resulting in situations that expose many au pairs to abuse, exploitation, befuddlement, and unnecessary emotional strain for all au pairs, including many hosts. Establishing au pairing as a cultural exchange and simultaneously rejecting it as a type of work affects au pairs’ experiences.
Malayala, S., Adhikari, R., Vasireddy, D., Atluri, P., & Bali, A. (2021). Medically underserved areas and International Medical Graduates in the United States: Challenges during the covid-19 ERA. Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, 11(4), 457–463.
Purpose: Analyze the medical aspects of the au pair program.
Mtembu, X. (2023, January 6). ‘I became an au pair and now travel all over the U.S., here is how you can do it too’.
Purpose: The article relates the story of Saberah Sayeed, a 24-year-old South African who ventured into the unknown to follow her dreams of traveling and caring for children. It provides insight into the procedure and the benefits and drawbacks she encountered.
O’Neal, L. (2021, July 16). State Department’s Federal Au Pair Oversight Plan draws critics.
Purpose: This article examines the federal government’s challenges in overseeing the au pair program. U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (n.d.).
Purpose: Gives information about the personnel working in the U.S.
U.S. Department of State. (2023, January 25). (U) Students And Exchange Visitors – F, M, And J Visas. U.S.
Purpose: Talks about the exchange program with these au pair programs and the visas provided to the department.
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