Module Objectives
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
- Explore how information management tools can be used to conduct nursing research. (*co 2, 3, and 5)
- Describe how informatics is valuable to evidence-based practice models. (*co 3 and 5)
- Analyze the concept of Big Data and its implications for healthcare. (*co 3 and 5)
- Compose a PowerPoint slideshow for the effective presentation of information. (*co 2 and 3)
*tied to course objective (co)
Instructor Commentary
Information literacy competencies are essential for evidence-based nursing practice and lifelong learning. Research and informatics intersect in many ways, and nursing research has advanced with technology. The nurse researcher relies heavily on information systems to collect, organize, and manage data. The nurse informatics depends on valid and reliable research to support decision-making in practice. This module will focus on the latter.
All nurses rely on research to support their work, whether we are trialing new clinical products, collecting data (e.g.: patient falls, urinary tract infections, or hospital readmissions), conducting clinical studies, teaching others, or composing policies/procedures to improve patient outcomes. Nursing informatics provides many tools to facilitate professional collaboration, to access online libraries, and to collect, analyze, and disseminate knowledge. But what processes help us to research a topic in an efficient and effective manner?
In a previous module, you evaluated the quality of online information for patient education using the CRAAP test. In this module, you will conduct online research with a focus on analyzing the process by which you obtained reliable scholarly resources (don’t forget, the CRAAP criteria still matter). In both academia and practice, it is important for nurses to support their work with credible evidence from scholarly resources, hence the term ‘evidence-based practice’.
Research must also be presented to others in a succinct, effective, and authentic manner, and the second activity in this module is designed to practice presentation skills. In the form of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, you will compose a slideshow on the meaning and use of Big Data in healthcare.
Module 6 Discussion: Information Literacy and Evidence-Based Practice
The purpose of this discussion is for you to analyze the process of searching for scholarly, evidence-based information in the online environment. For the subject matter, you may select any nursing or health-related topic that is of interest to you. Conduct an online search of your topic and keep notes of how you narrowed your search to obtain a manage credible information. Address each of the following areas in your initial post.
- Identify a clinical topic that is of interest to you (you may choose any subject).
- Review the steps of your online search (keep notes as you proceed).
With what system did you begin your search?
What initial search term(s) was used?
How many results did it produce?
What resources did the initial search direct you to? - Reflect on how you refined your search strategy until you obtained satisfactory results.
How did you refine your search terms and sites?
Did the term need to be shortened or expanded?
What new terms were discovered in this process?
How was the college library used in this process?
How did you evaluate your results?
When were you satisfied with the results? - Present three scholarly resources that relate to your clinical topic and provide the citation for each in proper APA format.
o McGonigle and Mastrian
Chapters 21, 22, 23, and 24
o American Nurses Association
Pages 60-80
Page 100 (Standard 13)
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