XYZ insurance is a high street insurance broker in the UK. XYZ Insurance operates from 10 branches across the South East of England. The company specialises in providing personal and commercial Insurance for its customers. Each branch has it’s own branch manager that is responsible for performance of their own branch.
3 of the 10 branches are located in a close proximity of one another and specialize in serving a particular niche of serving local Indian community living in UK. All three branches have been very successful in terms of financial performance but very inefficient at the same time. This is due to the fact that each branch has had its own sever and separate CRM system.
Whilst the whole company CRM system was being upgraded to a ‘’single client view’’, cloud-based CRM, the decision has been made to restructure the niche branches.
The decision was to combine the 3 branches into one large call centre, where clients could be serviced more efficiently. The staff from 2 smaller branches have been transferred to the call centre. The decision has been made by the Area Director (David), but consultations have been made with the managers from the 3 interested Branch Managers. One of the managers (Paul) has been promoted to the Operations Manager position to run the call centre. Branch Manager of the second branch (Greg) became the Head of Growth for the niche business. Third branch manager (Jamie) became the Commercial Director for the same niche business. From that time all 3 of them were supposed to work closely together to develop the business.
The overall decision to restructure the operations proved to be very successful and nearly all major KPIs including sales, clients retention and cross sales have been improved significantly. Although there has been some challenges with staff transfers and duplicate positions clashes.
Structure of the report
Executive Summary
- What is the purpose of your report? What organization is taken for analysis? What is the rationale behind your analysis? How are you going to organise your discussion?
Description and evaluation of the decision & the decision-making process
• How a decision was made?
• Who were the main decision maker(s)? What theory/perspective/lens would be best to describe the decisionmaking process?
• How were these decision-making outcomes measured?
• How would you evaluate the decision-making process against these outcomes?
Selection & application of appropriate tools & models/frameworks/theories
• How the discussed decision-making process could be improved?
• Can business analytics can help in this process? If yes – what particular tool/method/technique could be implemented and how? If no – what alternative ways to improve the decision-making process could be suggested?
• How would the proposed suggestions benefit your organisation’s strategy?
Recommendations and Conclusions
• How did the report address the main purpose set in the introduction? Are there any implications to be made?
- Harvard referencing style, alphabetic order
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