Rapport and Relational Alignment

Discussion Thread: Connect Care-seeker to Community

After reviewing the readings and other course content, imagine moving your predetermined care seeker (i.e., Crossroads’ Care-seekers: Bruce, Joshua, Brody, Justin, or Melissa) through Phase Four.
NOTE: These discussions require that you draw upon ALL required course resources to substantively develop each phase in our Solution-based, Short-term, Pastoral Counseling process. Use the following headings to organize your post.

• Rapport and Relational Alignment. Describe how rapport and relational alignment appear in Phase Four. Evaluate how rapport and relational alignment may look similarly and differently from other phases.
• Phase Four Distinctive Features. Narrate the movement of the care seeker through Phase Four’s distinctive features (i.e., purpose, goal, chief aim, role/responsibility, and use of guiding assumptions) and apply pertinent insights and techniques from the required course resources.
• Supportive Feedback Break. In light of your care seeker’s unique journey, what insight(s), technique(s), and resource(s) will you need to reinforce to support their forward progress to community?
• Disengagement. Describe a marker that indicates successful disengagement from counseling is underway. Discuss the importance of this marker.
• Food for Thought. After reviewing the Discussion Resources, describe the importance of connecting the care seeker to community. Which resource impacted you the most? For what reason(s)?

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