Public policy has a major impact on your practice and your patients. Advocacy is an expectation of the advanced practice nurse. Elected officials care about what their constituents have to say. To make a difference, you need to be informed and engaged. Contacting a legislator and discussing issues is an important attribute of nurse leaders. In your interactions with lawmakers, you want to be positive and nonpartisan, personal, persistent, patient, focused on your message, and provide accurate information.
- Determine the issue or message (e.g., telehealth impact on your practice) you wish to discuss with your legislator(s). Resource: The American Nurses Association Federal Legislative Priorities for 2019. -Topic is writers’ choice-
- Identify your legislator and contact information from his or her website and/or search here.
• Kyrsten Sinema
Senior Senator for Arizona
Since Jan 3, 2019 (next election in 2024)
@SenatorSinemaOfficial Website 202-224-4521
• Mark Kelly
Junior Senator for Arizona
Since Dec 2, 2020 (next election in 2028)
@SenMarkKellyOfficial Website 202-224-2235
• Andy Biggs
Representative for Arizona’s 5th congressional district
Since Jan 3, 2017 (next election in 2024)
@RepAndyBiggsAZOfficial Website 202-225-2635
Letter: The student must write three (3) letters to their identified legislators (State and/or Federal). Legislators read correspondence, especially when it is personalized and clearly from a constituent.
The following guidelines should be used when writing to your representative:
• Be brief (one page or less), and use your own words.
• Begin with the appropriate heading and address.
• Be specific: State the specific bill number and issue and state your opinion in the first sentence.
• Relate your experience with the issue. Use personal examples when possible. Your interest and concern about the issue is important.
• Ask the legislator to specifically commit to supporting or opposing the legislation you are writing about.
• Ask for specific reasons they are supporting or opposing the proposal.
• Sign and print your name and include your address and other contact information.
• If you have pertinent materials and/or editorials from local papers, include them.
• Avoid form letters if possible. If you are using a sample or form letter, be sure to adapt it, especially in the first sentence and paragraph. Legislators and their aides recognize form letters and are less likely to be influenced by them.
• Thank him or her for considering your opinion.
• Due: 04/08/2023
• Length: 3 pages/3 letters
• Citations: Two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years per letter.
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