Project Development Gaps

SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis section of your Project Charter will help you to focus on how your project will benefit your target population, organization, and those served. It can help you identify areas of strength to leverage when undertaking your project, as well as potential hurdles or roadblocks that could pose a challenge. By completing a SWOT analysis, you will have a better picture of the environment that you will be working in once you start your project.
Additionally, as we continue moving toward completing the Doctoral Project Charter, now is an opportune time to schedule appointments with your project support team. Your team may include:
• Consultants, such as the Capella Writing Center coach, a statistician, a reference librarian, the IRB.
• Practicum site stakeholders.
• Your faculty member.
The purpose of these appointments is to review your progress to date and identify any project development gaps.
As you may have surmised, you will move on to writing the SWOT Analysis section of the Project Charter this week.

Week 7 Discussion: SWOT Analysis
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For this week’s discussion, continue your work on your Project Charter. The sections you will be completing are:
• SWOT Analysis.
In addition to this section, be sure to make revisions for the sections you posted in the previous discussion based on the feedback you received from faculty.
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis focuses on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats facing an organization. Strengths and weaknesses usually exist internally within an organization, while opportunities and threats develop externally, usually through competitive or market forces.
Internal considerations when evaluating strengths and weaknesses could be: External considerations when evaluating opportunities and threats could be:
• Collective capabilities.
• Morale, commitment, leadership.
• Governance, participation norms, and defined roles.
• Resources, funding, assets, people.
• Experience, knowledge, data.
• Innovative aspects.
• Collaboration tools.
• Accreditations, certification, requirements, mandates.
• Processes, systems, IT, and communications.
• Cultural, attitudinal, behavioral norms. • Political, legislative, and financial environment.
• Stakeholder involvement.
• Technology development and innovation.
• Quality of partnerships.
• Development of knowledge.
• Uptake in disseminated knowledge or best practices.
• Competing or synergistic efforts outside the organization.
• Trends in public health that may affect the organizations work.
The following questions have been taken from the John Hopkins Medicine (n.d.) Change Management Toolkit and will help guide you when conducting your analysis.
• What does your department/organization do well?
• What advantages do you have?
• What do other people see as your strengths?
• What relevant resources do you have access to?
• What are some areas that your department/organization needs to improve?
• What should you avoid?
• Do other people perceive weaknesses that you don’t?
• What weaknesses, if eliminated, would provide additional opportunities?
• What specific activities and projects could benefit your department and/or organization?
• What are the interesting trends you are aware of?
• Do your strengths provide any additional opportunities?
• If you eliminated specific weaknesses, would that provide any additional opportunities?
• What developments could negatively affect the future of your department and/or the organization?
• What obstacles do you face?
• What is your competition doing?
John Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Change management toolkitLinks to an external site..

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