Professional Skills and Programs

Course Objectives:
• Prepare a scholarly reflection paper describing the artifacts in the portfolio and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, real-world application, and mastery of the program objectives.
• Explain professional growth attained during the master’s program or explain your professional skills to a potential employer.
Section 2- see other attachment – labeled section 2_
Write a reflection paper that:
• Reflects on your professional growth during the master’s program–
o What were your strengths at the beginning of the program and how did you leverage them to succeed? (List at least 3)
o What were your weaknesses when you started the program (List at least 3)
 How did you address them?
 Are they still weaknesses?
 What additional professional development can you do to continue growing in these areas?
Section 3 – see other attachment – labeled section 3_
Describe each of the artifacts presented in your profile, the associated skills demonstrated, and how those skills would be beneficial to the employer.
Write a 2,100-2,800-word APA formatted paper.
The document should include:
• Title Page
• Introduction
• Self-Assessment
• Personal Development Plan
• Reflection on the Course (what should we stop doing, what should we continue doing, and what should we start doing?)
• Conclusion
• References – 5 or more references using APA format

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