Primary Care Models

After reading Implementing the IOM Future of Nursing Report—Part III: How Nurses Are Solving Some of Primary Care’s Most Pressing Challenges (Links to an external site.) 

, choose one of the reviewed healthcare models. Discuss how this model would improve cost-effectiveness and quality of care.

Outline how you as a nurse practitioner would use this model in providing evidence-based, quality care.

If you copy and paste references from the course into your assignment, be sure to confirm APA formatting before submitting.

Bauer, J. C. (2010). Nurse practitioners as an underutilized resource for health reform: Evidence-based demonstrations of cost-effectiveness. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22(4), 228–231.

Fauteux, N. (2012). Implementing the IOM Future of Nursing report—part III: How nurses are solving some of primary care’s most pressing challenges. Charting Nursing’s Future: Reports on Policies That Can Transform Patient Care, 18, 1–8.

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