Preventing and Promoting Health

Module title and code: Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health

Assessment type: A 2000-word assignment + up to 500-word equivalent health promotion campaign.

Assessment title: To develop a health promotion campaign to address a public health issue
which is equivalent to up to 500 words, in the form of, for example, a poster or leaflet or
online advertisement and a 2000-word assignment in relation to the chosen campaign.

Assessment weighting: The 2000-word assignment is 90% of the total marks available and the health promotion campaign is 10%

Size or length of assessment: 2000 words for the 2000 -word assignment and up to 500 words for the health promotion campaign

Module learning outcomes assessed by this task:

  1. Discuss the concepts and principles of health promotion, protection,
    improvement and the prevention of ill health including the health screening
    programmes and identify those programmes currently available in the UK.
  2. Discuss the influence of psycho-social economic and behavioural factors on
    the health, wellbeing and illness of individuals, families and communities, across the life span Evaluate health promotion and prevention strategies and the impact this has on individuals and communities.
  3. Evaluate health promotion and prevention strategies and the impact this has
    on individuals and communities.
  4. Develop an understanding of the relevance of epidemiology and genomics on
    health and wellbeing outcomes
  5. Develop an understanding of the importance of immunization and vaccinations Programmes and services in promoting health and preventing ill health.
  6. Explain the role of the Nursing Associate in the prevention and control of infection.

Completing your assessment

What am I required to do on this assessment?
Choose a suitable subject and develop a health promotion campaign to address the public health issues for the subject, equivalent up to 500 words, in the form of, for example, a poster or leaflet or online advertisement.
Write a 2000-word assignment in relation to the chosen health promotion campaign identifying its importance, relevance and how it will be implemented and evaluated for effectiveness. Explore local and/or national health promotion strategy currently used to address the public health issue identified explaining why preventative health strategies are not always successful.
Every module learning outcome must be covered to pass the module.
In writing the assignment:
• Must be a Microsoft document. We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software resulting in work that cannot be marked.

• Arial font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing must be used, as this will assist staff when marking assignments.
• Include your student number on each page as a header or footer
• Include page numbers in the footer
• Write the number of words at the end of the assignment
• Ensure UWE Harvard referencing is used
• Assignment to be written in the 3rd person
• Use a range of in-text citations using UWE Harvard method
• Do not copy and paste work from any source. Software that Text-matches and looks for plagiarism is used on all submissions and can identify where a student has copied or followed the wording of sources very closely and then not cited their source. Failing to acknowledge sources or copying and pasting, can result in you being referred for consideration of an assessment offence.
• Ensure that any literature search related to your submitted work has been undertaken by yourself; it is not appropriate for this to be undertaken by someone else – for example you should not request, for example, NHS Trust Library staff undertake a literature search for you
• Include one reference list at the end of the assignment (on a new page)
• A bibliography is not required
• An appendix may be used if required – for the health promotion campaign

For the Public Health campaign:

• Provide a separate reference list for the campaign clearly labelled as reference list for the public health campaign. This can be added to the 2000-word document and follow the 2000-word assignment reference list.
• The public health campaign developed must be a separate Microsoft document to the written assignment
• Must comply with copyright laws in use of logos such as that of the NHS
• Who is this intended for? there should be an identified target audience
• Is there too much information or too little?
• Is the font/ text easy to read?
• Does it give a clear message?
• Is it evidenced based? Is any text needing it referenced?
• Are there references for images?

Submission guide:
• Submission of 2 Microsoft documents i.e., the 2000-word assignment plus the health promotion campaign.
• You must submit by the stated deadline by electronic submission on blackboard
• Do not leave submission to the very last minute. Always allow time in case of technical issues.
• Multiple submissions can be made to the portal, but only the final one will be marked.

Where should I start?
Choosing a relevant subject for the assessment and reading about public health campaigns that have been successful and those which have not been so successful. Look at the resources on the blackboard module page and begin to build your own resource relevant to your subject to help you when you begin to develop the assessment required material.

What do I need to do to pass?

To pass the module you are required to achieve a mark of 40%.
This mark will be the written assignment mark out of 90% plus the health campaign mark out of 10%. Full marks for both, added together, make 100%.
When both marks are added together for your submission, they must meet 40% to pass the module.
If the evidence you present does not present what you set out to do, regardless of their own merit, you may not pass.
All learning outcomes must be met to pass.

How do I achieve high marks in this assessment?

Please carefully read and familiarize yourself with the assessment grid for FHEQ Level 5 Level 2 descriptors. The marking assessment grid can be found on the module blackboard page in the assessment brief section and below.
• Ensure the evidence presented meets all the learning outcomes and you have provided enough evidence to demonstrate this.
• Demonstrate a clear and accurate knowledge and understanding of the of the area(s) of study.
• The area(s) of study is/are relevant to the Nurse Associate role.
• Evidence of wide relevant reading drawn from beyond course material
• Formulated ideas are organized, logically developed and discussion is presented clearly with evidence of critical evaluation and analysis.
• Content is always relevant.
• Utilizes evidence to present appropriate sophisticated argument and evaluation.
• An understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations based on that knowledge.
• Excellent referencing using UWE Harvard in the body of text and reference list.

How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?

The 10 contact days of this module are designed to enable meeting of all the module learning objectives. Each contact day will direct the learner to the relevant learning objective it relates to.
There is a focus opportunity on the assessment itself on day 1 and day 10 of the contact days.

What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?

Specific UWE library study skills pages
The University has partnered with Studiosity to provide an online writing feedback service for UWE students.
Studiosity provides 24/7 feedback on writing.
Studiosity provides students with:
• Timely personal feedback on their writing
• Out of hours support
• 24/7 service from academic writing specialists
• 24/7 chat service to provide study skills advice for up to 20 minutes
The service is free, with up to eight uses per year, accessed through Blackboard.

What do I do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?

UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this link, and both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.
For further information, please see the Academic Survival Guide.

How do I avoid an Assessment Offence on this module? 2
Use the support above if you feel unable to submit your own work for this module.
The most common assessment offence occurs in this module by not citing references correctly and copying and pasting text which is additionally often not referenced correctly or in the learner’s own words.

Marks and Feedback

  1. In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy), word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures and diagrams, quotes, lists.
  2. UWE Bristol’s UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy requires that you submit work that is entirely your own and reflects your own learning, so it is important to:
    • Ensure you reference all sources used, using the UWE Harvard/OSCOLA system and the guidance available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
    • Avoid copying and pasting any work into this assessment, including your own previous assessments, work from other students or internet sources
    • Develop your own style, arguments and wording, so avoid copying sources and changing individual words but keeping, essentially, the same sentences and/or structures from other sources
    • Never give your work to others who may copy it
    • If an individual assessment, develop your own work and preparation, and do not allow anyone to make amends on your work (including proof-readers, who may highlight issues but not edit the work) and

When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own, and text-matching software and other methods are routinely used to check submissions against other submissions to the university and internet sources. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding plagiarism.

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