Practicum Experience

Dear Writer,
Please write the paper addressing three questions below.
Please use 3 separate scholarly resources within 5 years to support the paper.

Documenting the Practicum Experience
As already mentioned, you are required to complete 1,024 practicum hours for the DNP program. This may seem daunting at first; however, reviewing the different types of activities that align with each DNP Essential and how to document the hours correctly and consistently will help you prepare for the experience. The purpose of this assignment is to examine practices and processes used to accurately document the DNP practicum experience.
Reflect on your readings this week and review the Project & Practicum Activities Form. Then, describe activities that you might complete during your Project & Practicum courses and identify the associated DNP Essential.
Note from previous paper

Our PICOT –“In adult patients with major depression, does the addition of walking or other aerobic exercises improve depression symptoms compared to usual care in 8 weeks?” A reduction in depressive symptoms and a decrease in the scores obtained in the PHQ-9 at the end of the intervention will demonstrate that walking is an effective alternative to recommended treatments for depression in my setting(out patient psychiatric clinic).
Thank you.

Class resources
• Identify a practice problem
• Search the literature for an evidence-based intervention
• Design a translation science or quality improvement practice change
• Implement an evidence-based intervention to address a practice problem
• Evaluate the outcome of the intervention
• Disseminate the results of the practice change
• Sustain practice change to improve outcomes
Documenting Practicum Hours

When you enter NR702 Project & Practicum I, you will begin documenting your DNP project practicum hours. You will document your practicum activities in each of the four Project & Practicum courses. You are required to complete a minimum of 1,024 practicum hours to complete your DNP degree. It is critical that you document your practicum activities consistently as they occur so that you do not forget the activities but rather have an accurate portrayal of your practicum experience. A best practice is to document your practicum hours daily or at a minimum each week. This will help you stay on track and meet the required hours for each session.
There are many activities that you may complete outside your practicum site while preparing for your project that will support the achievement of the program outcomes and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing DNP Essentials (AACN, 2006). For some students, your Master of Science in Nursing degree may have included a practicum experience, which may partially satisfy a portion of the practicum hour requirement.
Documentation Guidelines
For each documented practicum activity, address the following:
• Align with an appropriate AACN DNP Essential.
• Provide enough detail to substantiate not only the selected essential but also the amount of time documented.
• Reflect and support the actual time you were involved in the activity in your submissions.
• Use the following increments:
o No more than 4-hour increments per entry
o May enter in minutes, such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, etc.
Example of Appropriate Documentation of Practicum Hours
Find the errors. Select all the errors you can find. Then, press “CHECK.”
Example of Appropriate Documentation of Practicum Hours
Find the errors. Select all the errors you can find. Then, press “CHECK.”
Date of Activity Activity Completed DNP Essential Selected Minutes/Hours Submitted
1/5/2021 Completed Needs Assessment at Practicum Site to Identify a Gap in Practice DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship & Analytics Methods for Evidence-Based Practice 2 hours
2/1/2021 Meeting with Stakeholders Regarding Project DNP Essential II: Organizational & Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement & Systems Thinking 1 hour
2/27/2021 Consult with Preceptor by Phone Regarding Evidence-Based Intervention DNP Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient & Population Health Outcomes 30 minutes
3/5/2021 Completed IRB Application in NR702 DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship & Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice. 4 hours
3/10/2021 Development of Web-Based Training for Nurse Orientation Program DNP Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology & Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare 3 hours
3/12/2021 Continuation of Development of Web-Based Training for Nurse Orientation Program DNP Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology & Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare 2 hours
3/12/2021 Meeting with Preceptor to Discuss Launch of Project Implementation DNP Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient & Population Health Outcomes 45 minutes
10/1/2021 Disseminate Results of DNP Project to Unit Nurses DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship & Analytics Methods for Evidence-Based Practice 90 minutes
Example of Inappropriate Documentation of Practicum Hours (Incorrect entries noted with asterisk)
Date of Activity Activity Completed DNP Essential Selected Minutes/Hours Submitted
*10/1/2021 Meeting with Stakeholders Regarding Project *DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice *8 hours
*10/1/2021 Construct and Refine PICOT question *DNP Essential V: Healthcare Policy for Advocacy in Healthcare *7 hours
*10/1/2021 Meet with Preceptor to Discuss Project Implementation *DNP Essential VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice *12 hours
10/2/2021 Completed IRB Application *DNP Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes *8 hours
10/2/2021 Participate in an Interprofessional Team at Practicum Site to Identify Emergency Plan for Impending Hurricane *DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice 1 hour
*3/12/2021 Construct and Refine Literature Search for Evidence-Based Intervention *DNP Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology & Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare *20 hours
*3/12/2021 Meeting with Preceptor to Discuss Launch of Project Implementation *DNP Essential VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice 45 minutes
10/1/2021 Disseminate Results of DNP Project to Unit Nurses *DNP Essential V: Healthcare Policy for Advocacy in Healthcare *9 hours
*10/1/2021: Time exceeds 24 hours. Time entries exceed maximum allowed for an individual entry.
*10/2/2021: Time entry exceed maximum allowed for an individual entry.
*3/12/2021: Date entry is incorrect. Time entry exceeds maximum allowed for an individual entry.
*All entries are not properly aligned with Essentials.

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