Practice Management

Practice management encompasses all business aspects of a primary care practice including financials, human resources, information technology, compliance, marketing, and operations. This week’s readings will introduce the student to the basics of practice management. The intent is to introduce students to the basic of practice management and topics relevant to the business of primary
Holistic care refers to approaches and interventions that address the needs of the whole person: body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Consider the following case study:
You are caring for a first-time mother in a health clinic. While assessing the woman, you notice she is becoming visibly upset. When you ask, she notes that her mother, with whom she was very close, died last year and that she really would have loved to have shared this pregnancy with her. You empathize with the patient, as your own mother just died 6 months ago. She also notes that she and her partner have been bickering a lot lately on top of her feeling generally sore, tired, and overwhelmed.
Define holistic care in your own words. Describe four ways you can implement a holistic nursing approach to care and facilitate healing. In addition, you may consider the intersection of holistic care and caritas principles from Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science from Week 1.
As an advanced practice nurse, Jean Watson’s core principle of “allowing miracles” can help to guide decision-making. This principle involves embracing unexpected and inexplicable life events that may lead to positive outcomes and fostering a sense of hope and positivity in patients (Watson, 2020). Overall, it is helpful for a nurse to explore how allowing miracles can be applied in guiding advanced practice nursing practices.
Applying the principle of allowing miracles involves embracing the potential for unexpected positive outcomes and fostering hope and positivity in patients. Greener (2019) describes the case of a patient with metastatic melanoma who experienced complete remission following a combination of immunotherapy and radiation treatment, which was considered a ‘miracle’ by the patient and the medical team. By maintaining an open mindset towards unexpected outcomes, advanced practice nurses can advocate for patients to receive treatments that may offer them the potential for such outcomes (Watson, 2020). Moreover, advanced practice nurses can also foster a sense of hope and positivity in patients, even in the face of complex diagnoses or prognoses. It can involve actively seeking out and sharing stories of patients who have experienced unexpected positive outcomes or taking a patient-centered approach to care that emphasizes the potential for positive outcomes and personal growth (Watson, 2018). In this way, allowing miracles can help promote patients’ overall well-being and support them in achieving their best possible outcomes.
In conclusion, allowing miracles can guide advanced practice nursing practices by encouraging an open mindset toward unexpected outcomes and fostering a sense of hope and positivity in patients. By embracing the potential for unexpected positive outcomes, advanced practice nurses can advocate for patients to receive treatments that may offer them the potential for such outcomes. Ultimately, applying this principle can help promote patients’ overall well-being and support them in achieving their best possible outcomes.
Greener, M. (2019). Miracles and cancer immunotherapy: An in-depth look at medical miracles. Independent Nurse, 2019(6), 13–15.
Watson, J. (2018). Caring science theory. Watson Caring Science Institute.
Watson, J. (2020, March 12). Jean Watson’s theory of nursing. Current Nursing.

APNs are never truly independent practitioners; they are always dependent on colleagues and consultation from a variety of sources. But you can aim for an independent practice. There are four primary barriers to independent practice:
• The need for direct reimbursement from third-party payers;
• Statutory limitations to the APN’s scope of practice;
• Inconsistent and restrictive prescriptive authority;
• The inability to obtain hospital privileges.
These barriers are daunting but can be overcome depending on your nurse practice act and the area where you live. Another potential barrier to an independent practice may be start-up costs for the practice. These costs include:
• Cash flow and financing an ongoing practice,
• Accounting practices, billing, and collection,
• Day-to-day management of the practice,
• City, state, and federal regulations,
• General and malpractice insurance,
• Hiring, training, and retaining competent, enthusiastic personnel.
In starting a practice, it is important to develop a business plan and have a strategy. First, start as a generalist and gradually move into a niche or specialized practice. Second, make sure you have exhaustive knowledge of any specialized area you choose. Next, determine and comply with licensing, tax, and insurance requirements. Lastly, the key to business start-up is persistence and attention to detail. Do not open your doors until everything is in place and functional. It is important that every aspect of your practice reflects the image that you want, whether that happens to be warm and cozy, feminine, businesslike, or some other quality. This consistency should emanate from the décor of the office, to printed material, even to the dress codes of ancillary personnel. What image would you choose for your practice. Second, make sure you have exhaustive knowledge of any specialized area you choose. Next, determine and comply with licensing, tax, and insurance requirements. Lastly, the key to business start-up is persistence and attention to detail. Do not open your doors until everything is in place and functional. It is important that every aspect of your practice reflects the image that you want, whether that happens to be warm and cozy, feminine, businesslike, or some other quality. This consistency should emanate from the décor of the office, to printed material, even to the dress codes of ancillary personnel. What image would you choose for your practice?


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