Population Health

. Provide an introduction to the population of interest, including the county and state, the overall health ranking, and 3–5 sentences describing the county.

B. Complete the “Sociodemographic Profile” section by doing the following:

  1. Provide a screenshot of the state map with your chosen county highlighted. Include the screenshot as a labeled figure (Figure 1).

Note: Figures should be provided following the tables at the end of the attached “Population Health Data Paper Template.”

  1. Complete Table 1, “Sociodemographic Profiles for [County, State] and the United States,” by providing data for each of the listed population characteristics for both the selected county and the United States using the “Census.gov QuickFacts” web link.

Note: Table 1 is located after the “References” page in the attached “Population Health Data Paper Template.” Include the source of your data.

  1. Discuss the data provided in part B2, comparing the county data to the United States data, and summarize your findings.

C. Complete the “County Health Outcomes” section by doing the following, using the “County Health Rankings” web link for charts and data:

  1. Select seven health trends for the chosen county, and provide one graph for each trend, resulting in a total of seven graphs. Include these graphs as labeled figures (Figures 2–8).

Note: Figures should be provided following the tables at the end of the attached “Population Health Data Paper Template.” Caption each graph in APA format. You may copy and paste an existing graph from anywhere on the “County Health Rankings & Roadmaps” website (such as health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment) if available and provide the citation in APA format. If a trend graph is not available for the selected health trend, you will need to create a trend graph for that health trend using the data provided, using an application of your choice (e.g., Excel).

  1. Complete the “County Health Trends and Rankings Discussion” subsection by discussing each of the seven health trends selected in part C1, including what the health outcome is and whether each trend is improving, worsening, or remaining stable.

D. Complete the “Health Factors” section by doing the following, using the “County Health Rankings & Roadmaps” web link for data:

  1. Complete Table 2 by providing data for each of the listed factors influencing health for the selected county, the state, and the United States.

Note: Table 2 is located after the “References” page in the attached “Population Health Data Paper Template.”

  1. Discuss the purpose of comparing county health ranking data to both state and United States data.
  2. Discuss successes and challenges when comparing your selected county data to the state and United States data.

E. Complete the “Analysis and Proposal” section by doing the following:

  1. Complete the “Significant Findings” subsection by summarizing one health trend from part C1 that has the potential to be improved by the creation of a service or program (suggested length of 3–5 sentences).
  2. Complete the “Service or Program” subsection by creating a new service or program that may be introduced by the advanced professional nurse in the county to address the identified health trend from part E1 (suggested length of 3–5 sentences).
  3. Complete the “Action Plan” subsection by describing the initial steps needed by the advanced professional nurse for planning and implementing the service or program created in part E2 (suggested length of 3–5 sentences).
  4. Complete the “Raising Public Awareness and Promoting Public Engagement” subsection by discussing how the advanced professional nurse could use two forms of technology to raise public awareness of and promote public engagement in the service or program from part E2 (suggested length of 3–5 sentences).
  5. Complete the “Evaluating the Service or Program” subsection by describing how you would evaluate the effectiveness of your program. Include the data collection tool that could be used to visually represent your collected data.

F. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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