Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nurses play several vital roles when it comes to overall patient care, specifically involving the word “care”. My personal nursing philosophy is encompassed by not only the definition of nursing, but how the profession itself is so significantly portrayed. I believe that one of the main characteristics of being a nurse is being the patients advocate and caring about the patient’s well-being in a holistic point of view. My desire to care for my patients is the reason I wanted to incorporate Jeans Watson’s Theory of Human Caring into my nursing philosophy. Jean Watson believed that caring is a foundation for professional nursing practice by being authentically present and creating a healing environment at all levels (Redlands Community Hospital, 2011). Throughout my experience as a Neonatal ICU nurse, I began to understand my patient’s needs through education and personal skills. I have learned to anticipate certain needs from my patients and incorporate those needs into their individualized plan of care. One of the main reasons I enjoy being in the NICU nurse is seeing the care and support parents and nurses give one another. Having a child in a critical care setting can not only being stressful but can also be heartbreaking as well. My recent experience of dealing with death is the reason I chose the case study of Losing one twin in the NICU.

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring
Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring involves a holistic view of the person that goes beyond the physical aspects and focuses on the cure of the overall well-being and care of the patient. Jean Watson’s theory explores three of the four metaparadigm concepts in nursing, including: person, health, and nursing. Watson refers to health as a community of the mind, body, and soul in correspondence with self-experience (Evangelista et al., 2020). In addition, Watson describes nursing as a fluid concept that has several meanings. Nurses are viewed as the embodiment of caring by helping patients find meaning during a time of suffering. With empathy and therapeutic communication, the nurse can help their patients find meaning in their situation. Allowing the patient to share their emotions can build trust between them and the nurse and facilitate healing. This can help the parent make difficult decisions by giving them some control. Watson defines a person as being a spiritual presence of mind, body, and soul, and not just a physical matter (Evangelista et al., 2020).

Metaparadigm of Nursing
Caring for a patient involves more than treating the symptoms of their illness. As a nurse, it is important for me to build a foundation of trust and honesty for my patients and provide guidance towards their well-being. Most of my communication is with my patient’s family members and the infant’s healthcare team. A lot of my responsibilities as their child’s nurse is for me to advocate for their overall health and safety.
The nursing metaparadigm involves four fundamental concepts that make up the nursing practice: person, environment, health, and nursing. The use of these concepts helps provide a
holistic approach to patient care. Person involves the patient that is receiving care. Nurses play a vital role in this concept by viewing the person by understanding the patient’s needs and values to create an individualized plan of care. In addition to the patient’s physical care, the nurse must also incorporate the patient’s emotional, spiritual, and social needs. Environment refers to where the patient care takes place. This concept involves how the nurse analyses the environment and adapts to the patient’s needs according to their overall well-being. Health involves the patient’s physical, social, and mental wellness. Some individuals may not have resources for their health; therefore, the nurse must consider the patient’s cultural beliefs as well as their economic status. Nursing incorporates the roles and responsibilities of the nurse, including the nurse’s experience, education, and mindset necessary to provide patient care. Nurses advocate for their patients and educate them and their family members throughout the continuation of care.


Losing one twin in the NICU – A case study of the parental experience


Mind Map

Aagaard, H., Storm, I., & Klitgaard, J. (2016). Losing one twin in the NICU – A case study of the parental experience. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 22(4), 153–158.
Braz Evangelista, C., Limeira Lopes, M. E., Lima da Nóbrega, M. M., Ferreira de Vasconcelos, M., & Gomes Viana, A. C. (2020). An analysis of Jean Watson’s theory according to Chinn and Kramer’s model. Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 4, 1–6.
Kolcaba, K. Y. (1994). A theory of holistic comfort for nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing Wiley-Blackwell), 19(6), 1178–1184. to an external site.
Redlands Community Hospital. (2011). Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Redlands Community Hospital.

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