Operational Planning

The national planning frameworks explain the role of each mission area in national preparedness and provide the overarching strategy and doctrine for how the whole community builds, sustains, and delivers the core capabilities. The concepts in the frameworks are used to guide operational planning, which provides further information regarding roles and responsibilities, identifies the critical tasks an entity will take in executing core capabilities, and identifies resourcing, personnel, and sourcing requirements. Operational planning is conducted across the whole community, including the private and nonprofit sectors and all levels of government. At the Federal level, each framework is supported by a mission area-specific Federal Interagency Operational Plan (FIOP). Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 provides further information on the various types of plans and guidance on the fundamentals of planning.
The following sections outline how operational planning is applied within the Prevention mission area.
Prevention Operational Planning
This section supports the planning core capability by providing guidance on the development of local, state, tribal, territorial, and Federal operational plans that support the National Prevention Framework. A plan is an explanation of anticipated actions that provides a starting point for operations. It provides three main benefits: (1) it allows jurisdictions to influence the course of events during an imminent threat by determining in advance the actions, policies, and processes that will be followed; (2) it contributes to unity of effort by providing a common blueprint for activity in the event of a crisis; and (3) it guides preparedness activities and resourcing.
Local, state, tribal, territorial, Federal, and private sector planning efforts supporting the National Prevention Framework should address the following:
 Collaboration with all relevant stakeholders
 An understanding of the situation expected during the intended operation
 A detailed concept of operations that explains how Prevention operations during an imminent threat will be executed in a coordinated fashion
 A description of critical tasks
 A description of roles and responsibilities
 Resource and personnel requirements

 Specific provisions for the rapid integration of resources and personnel
 Integration of provisions regarding the rights of individuals protected by civil rights laws, including individuals with disabilities, racial and ethnic minorities, and individuals who have limited English proficiency
 Accounting for multiple, geographically dispersed attacks of an extended nature
 Explanation of how Prevention plans may be executed simultaneously with other plans.
It is important to recognize that planning is an iterative process. Plans will need to be revised on a regular basis, including after exercises and real-world incidents.

Planning Assumptions
A Prevention FIOP supports the implementation of this National Prevention Framework. The FIOP leverages current and past planning efforts to cover threats that exceed the capabilities of local, state, tribal, and territorial governments, such as CBRNE threats that involve multiple jurisdictions, states, regions, or the entire Nation.
The Prevention FIOP assumes the following:
 The capabilities of individuals and households, communities and community organizations, the private and nonprofit sectors, and local, state, tribal, and territorial entities will play a critical role in preventing an imminent threat.
 A terrorist attack will occur with little or no warning and involve multiple geographic areas.
 Multiple, near simultaneous terrorist attacks will exceed the capabilities of any one department or agency.
The Prevention FIOP will address unique planning considerations for terrorist threats identified in the SNRA:
 Aircraft as a weapon
 Armed assault
 Biological terrorism attack (non-food)
 Chemical/biological food contamination terrorism attack
 Chemical terrorism attack (non-food)
 Explosives terrorism attack
 Malicious cyber activities
 Nuclear terrorism attack
 Physical Attack on the power grid
 Radiological terrorism attack.
The Prevention FIOP will serve as the foundation for department- and agency-level operational plans. Department- and agency-level operational plans will detail how a specific department or agency will fulfill their responsibilities, critical tasks, and resource requirements identified in the operational plan. Existing plans, protocols, or standard operating procedures can be used and will be updated as needed.

Framework Application
CPG 101 provides guidance for developing emergency operations plans at the local, state, tribal, and territorial levels. It promotes a common understanding of the fundamentals of risk-informed planning and decision making to help planners produce integrated, coordinated, and synchronized plans. Even though CPG 101 was designed for emergency management planners, certain elements of CPG 101— the basics of planning, format and function of planning, and planning processes—also apply to prevention planning at the local, state, tribal, and territorial levels.20 The Federal Government can also use this guidance, as appropriate.
Local, state, tribal, and territorial officials are strongly encouraged to develop a prevention plan in support of the National Prevention Framework. Prevention plans should explain how stakeholders will deliver the Prevention core capabilities, as appropriate, and execute the critical tasks outlined in the Core Capabilities section. Additionally, all plans should identify the type of tasks, scope of capabilities, and timeframe of support that each jurisdiction may need from the Federal Government, including any incident-specific considerations.

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