Neoclassical Economics

Instructions: Write an essay contrasting the non-reductive multidisciplinary focus of this course with the mainstream approach of development economics. Your essay must be a piece of reflective writing through which you should arrive at a more sophisticated understanding of the theories and practices of development.

Your essay must be well written and must answer the following questions:

  1. What are the core assumptions and analytical techniques of mainstream/neoclassical economics? In what way are these applied to development issues and policies?
  2. How did the course readings and commentary allow you to make connections across different disciplinary fields? Why does it matter?
  3. What issues, problems, or questions related to ‘development’ have you been able to understand more fully by seeing them from a historical and multidisciplinary perspective?
  4. How has your previous research, work, or creative experiences connected you to any specific theme(s) in the course?

In other words, your essay must demonstrate the following: disciplinary awareness; interdisciplinary awareness and the ability to think comparatively across disciplines; ability to transfer knowledge and skills from one context to another; and understanding of the themes discussed and resources included in the course.

Answer all parts of the assignment. Provide definitions of the key concepts and theories relevant for your analysis from the readings for Units 1 and 2. Support your arguments with empirical and theoretical evidence from the required and/or supplementary readings for these units. Illustrate major points with specific examples and/or figures obtained from scholarly sources with complete citation. If you want to use additional resources that are not in your reading list, confine your research to academic sources and provide complete references. Note that Wikipedia will not be accepted as an academic source.

Read the “Guidelines for Essays and Examinations” and “Academic Integrity” sections of the Course Information before writing your essay. Use a standard citation style (Chicago, MLA, APA, etc.) consistently and correctly, and carefully proofread it before submitting. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your tutor as soon as possible.

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