Assignment Introduction
The academic essay assignment in this unit will be a written, cohesive argument for the change in your community that you have been writing about throughout the course. The assignment should take the form of a persuasive academic essay, in which you will provide evidence from at least four credible sources to support the argument for change that you are advocating. You will also need to address rival hypotheses or misconceptions about your topic within the essay, as the ability to do so is a key component of a strong argument. Essentially, the essay will reflect what you have learned about writing effectively, using research, and creating a logical argument to influence an audience.
Assignment Instructions
Your persuasive essay will need to meet the following criteria:
• APA formatting for the document, including an appropriately formatted title page and references page
• A thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph
• An introduction paragraph that establishes the issue
• Well-developed paragraphs that include evidence from sources to support your argument for a specific change in your community
• Effective transitions between and within paragraphs
• A conclusion paragraph that brings the essay to an effective close
• Four credible sources appropriate for academic writing should be cited within the text of the essay; at least one of the cited sources should be either a book/ebook or a periodical article, preferably from the Purdue Global Library
• All cited sources need to have full citations on a references page (except for any interviews you conduct, which only require in-text citations)
• Standard English and a formal tone throughout the writing (e.g., stay in third-person voice, avoid slang, etc.)
• A strong and well-supported argument will be at least 3–4 pages, not including the title page and references page
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