Natural Language Text Processing

The program Natural Language Processing (NLP) transforms unstructured data into structured data. NLP uses artificial intelligence to process computer-human language interactions, allowing computers to process and interpret large amounts of natural language data. By extracting data from free text, providers use natural language processing (NLP) to boost health results and simplify the data entry process. Clinical notes and narratives are converted into a structured format using this helpful method.
In the last decade, speech recognition (VR) and electronic health records (EHRs) have also become popular in medicine (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2010). Due to the data entry burden, the EHR adoption rate is reported low. With the development of voice recognition technologies in terms of speed and precision, it could be possible to improve the process of entering data into electronic health records and reduce one of the significant barriers to EHR adoption. The use of voice recognition software in electronic health records will help healthcare facilities implement the system by which the pace at which data can be entered and enhancing the accuracy of the notes.
The conversion of hard copies of patients’ medical records to electronic files stored in a digital networking system is known as document imaging. This allows healthcare facilities to scan their old documents and upload them to an online system, which then allows them to build and maintain new records electronically.

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