Modern English


Think about and list at least three words that you think are fairly new to the English language. In other words, think of words that your grandparents would have never used when they were younger (or your parents, for that matter) to include in your list. Then, use a dictionary to see when the word actually began to be used. You may be surprised! A good resource is the Merriam-Webster online dictionary at, which usually lists this information. For each word, please list the word, its meaning, and when it began to be used (cite your source), and include a discussion about anything that surprised you during your research. As in all forums, netiquette rules apply. You can definitely use examples from modern slang, but please do not include anything profane/derogatory/sexual/discriminatory in nature or anything else that might be deemed inappropriate in an academic environment. I reserve the right to delete anything deemed inappropriate. If you’re unsure, please email me before you post.

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