Mental Disorder

• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder: Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), pages: 215-371; 920-926.
• File: EBP and Diagnostic Reasoning
• File: WS3.4 Student’s Information for Assignment

  1. You will review an initial assessment of a mood disordered patient. Background information is located in Resources above.
  2. Review pages 215-371; 920-926 (if needed) in the DSM-5-TR.
  3. Write your differential diagnosis list and a list of additional questions that you would like for the patient to answer. Submit to your Instructor in the Initial Assessment.
  4. For your final submission discuss: a) how the complete progress note answered your questions and thereby added to, eliminated from and/or changed your diagnoses list; b) how the answers from the completed progress note to your questions support or rules out you final diagnosis/es; c) how the physical examination findings from the completed progress note supports or rules out you final diagnosis/es; d) how the subjective answers from the completed progress note supports or rules out your final diagnosis/es; and e) how the mental status examination from the completed progress note supports or rules out your final diagnosis/es.
  5. For your final submission, Give your final/ treating/working diagnosis/es.

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