Marketing Plan in the Health Sector

Lakeside Hospital has just received approval from the hospital board of directors to expand the current hospital to include a pediatric emergency care and hospital for children. Lakeside Hospital is located in Rochester, Minnesota. Your marketing team has been asked to develop a marketing plan for the new pediatric hospital to present to the senior executives and the board of directors. As part of your marketing plan, you have been tasked with the following:
• Defining the target market.
• Conducting a competitive analysis and a SWOT analysis.
• Outlining the goals and marketing strategies.
• Creating a marketing budget.
• Providing an implementation plan, including a timeline.
The following resources will help you prepare for your assignment work:
• Writing a Marketing Plan.
o This LinkedIn Learning course provides specifics on the different parts of a plan.
• 8 Important Steps to Successfully Implement Your Marketing Plan.
o Brand strategist Laura Click explains the essential steps for implementing a marketing strategy.
• Market Segmentation.
o This MindTools article explains how market segmentation allows you to tailor your marketing strategy to a variety of subgroups.
• For more information on how to conduct a SWOT Analysis, watch the LinkedIn Learning video, Conducting a SWOT Analysis:
• Lehmann and Winer’s Level of Competition Model from Fortenberry, J. L. 2010. Health Care Marketing: Tools and Techniques. 3rd edition Jones and Bartlett textbook. (Attached)

Your plan should be 6-7 pages, including the title page and Sources page. It should include the following sections:

  1. Overview. Create an overview of the target market using market segmentation that identifies and defines your target market.
  2. Competitive Analysis. Create a competitive analysis that defines the competitors in your area by using Lehmann and Winer’s Level of Competition Model.
    o For example, look at Mayo Clinic Children’s Center and other competitors in the Rochester area.
  3. SWOT Analysis. Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Lakeside Pediatric Hospital.
  4. Goals and Strategies. Outline your goals and the marketing strategies to achieve those goals.
    o Consider, for example, communication, branding, or innovation.
  5. Marketing Budget. Describe your proposed marketing budget, including the costs for advertising and methods you plan to use to advertise.
    o Examples include social media, blogs, YouTube, billboards, and radio ads.
  6. Marketing Implementation Plan. Describe your marketing implementation plan, with details about your action plan and timeline to achieve the steps in your marketing plan.
  7. Sources. Use three credible, relevant, and appropriate sources to support your writing. These must be peer-reviewed and published within the last five years.


  1. Created an overview of the target market using market segmentation that identifies and defines your target market.
  2. Created a competitive analysis that defines the competitors in your area by using Lehmann and Winer’s Level of Competition Model.
  3. Analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with relevant detail for Lakeside Pediatric Hospital.
  4. Outlined your goals and the marketing strategies to achieve those goals.
  5. Described your proposed marketing budget, including the costs for advertising and methods you plan to use to advertise.
  6. Described your marketing implementation plan, with details about your action plan and timeline to achieve the steps in your marketing plan.

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