Legal Process of Gathering Data


As we begin the teamwork this module, let’s do some preliminary work as a full class to get a sense of artificial intelligence (AI) in our disciplines.
Read the short report Download short report(page 2) on the city of Excelsiorville and the quest to integrate AI into both public and private community organizations. Then let’s discuss the following questions together:
All posts are due by the end of the week. However, the earlier in the week you post, the more points you will get in the discussion rubric. For example, while you can post at any time of the week that works for you, if you post by Wednesday, you will earn full points on the timeliness criterion. For each day later in the week that you post, you will earn fewer points. Per Excelsior policy, no posts are accepted for grading after the module closes. Please view your rubric for specific information on maximizing your points. If you have questions, please ask me!
Part I: Initial Post
• In your discipline, what personal identifying information is collected currently? How is it protected logistically and in terms of legal
and compliance mandates? (If you do not know, do a bit of digging into the compliance regulations in your discipline.)
• What are the ethical implications of introducing AI into the process of gathering, curating, and using PII? Consider both positive and negative implications as you discuss.
• Are current compliance and legal mandates sufficient to ensure that AI continues to protect PII and does not introduce any threats? How so?
Part II: Interact with Classmates
Respond to at least two other people. Discuss the similarities and differences across disciplines. What lessons can you learn? Feel free to also share your own experiences. You bring a wealth of experience!
Discussions are worth 20% of your final grade. It is important that you read the latest Discussion Rubric below and the Discussion Guidelines. These documents lay out the requirements of the discussion and how you will be evaluated.

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