Leadership Roles in a Typical NHS Laboratory Setting

Assignment details and marking criteria


  • You will need to research, review and evaluate different styles of management models used for determining various Leadership styles. Describe and critically discuss and evaluate the different leadership roles in a typical NHS laboratory setting. Include a diagram of the staff hierarchy one would expect to see.
  • Discuss how the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) and the Agenda for Change (A4C) have impacted on staff roles. Critically review relevant articles leading to competency-based training for each grade of staff including professional qualifications leading to HCPC Registration for practitioners.
  • Include a critical review of the impact Clinical Governance and Quality Assurance (QA) has within the NHS laboratories as part of the Quality Management System (QMS), and the recruitment of staff to NHS Trust Values.
  • Use examples and evidence where possible the use of relevant models and cases.
  • It is expected that you will support your work with extensive references from other sources e.g. peer reviewed Journal articles, internet sources may be used but need to be a suitable professional source (i.e. credible/ peer reviewed).

Marking criteria

  • Introduction = 15% you are expected to Introduce relevant leadership styles and the relevant ISO standards and their application to professional practise.
  • Laboratory management hierarchy and organisational culture (20%) –  Critically discuss the organisational culture seen in the NHS. Describe and discuss the different management roles in a typical NHS laboratory setting. Include a diagram of the staff hierarchy one would expect to see.  Add some critical analysis around management styles that would be appropriate today.
  • How does management and leadership impact on service delivery? (20%)- Describe how the use of ISO standard audits used in the laboratory impact on the management of training, managing change and specific staff roles. Include evidencing where non-conformances have occurred and the changes that would be needed for improvement and how that would impact on staff training and staff roles. Use examples of relevant cases and critically review the evidence
  • Agenda for Change (20%) – Include here how the Knowledge and Skills framework and the Agenda for Change has led to a competency-based training program to match the skills of different grades of staff. Include role of Clinical Governance and Trust Value Recruitment to the process of recruiting staff as a whole.
  • Conclusions and related outcomes (15%)
  • Presentation and Referencing (10%)

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