Leadership and Communication

As part of our B.A. Educational studies requirement related to our module Practice Placement linking theory to Practice, students were asked to do 50 hours of placement work experience in a school setting. So, I did my placement at Hambrough primary school situated at South Road, Southall Middlesex UB1 1SF under the supervision and guidance of Joanna Reed (Deputy Headteacher].
I was assisting year 4 having 25 students in a class setting. Alongside Mrs Pam who was the class teacher, I was recording the children’s progress, doing (PE) playground supervision, helping in planning lessons, lending work support, and supporting the class with 1:1 reading.
I did volunteering service from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm twice a week (Mondays & Fridays).
Type of school= Community School
Start date:27th February 2023
End date: 24th March 2023
School website www.hambrough ealing dp primary.com. (in case you need more information about the school)
*Also please refer to Thompson, N. (2003) Communication and Language a handbook of Theory and Practice. Kolb, D., A (1984) Reflective cycle of learning, leadership skills, Levin.k.(1939) leadership styles, the importance of communication with children and rest much more from your side.

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