Description: Identify, develop, and provide timely, accurate, and actionable information resulting from the planning, direction, collection, exploitation, processing, analysis, production, dissemination, evaluation, and feedback of available information concerning physical and cyber-threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests; the development, proliferation, or use of WMDs; or 9 The National Preparedness Goal outlines the core capabilities for each mission area any other matter bearing on U.S. national or homeland security by local, state, tribal, territorial, and Federal governments and other stakeholders. Information sharing is the ability to exchange intelligence, information, data, or knowledge among government or private sector entities, as appropriate.10
The Intelligence and Information Sharing capability involves the effective implementation of the intelligence cycle and information integration process by local, state, tribal, territorial, and Federal intelligence entities, the private sector, the public, and international partners, as appropriate, to develop situational awareness on the actor(s), method(s), means, weapon(s), or target(s) related to an imminent terrorist threat within the United States.
Incidents over the last decade have demonstrated that the ability to responsibly share information is a prerequisite for preventing terrorist threats to our homeland. No single agency, department, or level of government can independently complete a threat picture of all terrorism and national security threats. With this in mind, the Intelligence and Information Sharing capability involves engagement across local, state, tribal, territorial, Federal, private sector, faith-based organizations, and international partners to facilitate the collection, analysis, and sharing of suspicious activity reports to further support the identification and prevention of terrorist threats; enhance situational awareness of threats, alerts, and warnings; and develop and disseminate risk assessments and analysis of national intelligence to local, state, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners, and across mission areas as appropriate.
This capability relies on intelligence and information sharing and analysis from the FBI and DHS field and headquarters elements; state and major urban area fusion centers; and the intelligence community during times of imminent terrorist threat and in accordance with existing laws, directives, and policies. Terrorist-related threat information collected domestically should be shared comprehensively and immediately to FBI JTTFs and other federal entities through the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI). Terrorism-related information should also be shared promptly with the ODNI National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), DHS, the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), and other federal agencies as authorized by law. It involves the reprioritization and redirection of law enforcement, intelligence, and homeland security assets, as necessary and appropriate. Amplifying information will also be obtained via law enforcement operations. Together, these efforts inform local policing and enable partners at all levels of government, the private sector, and the public to implement the most effective protective and preventive measures. Finally, the Intelligence and Information Sharing capability recognizes that efforts to identify counterterrorist threats will require ongoing coordination between the aforementioned efforts and other analytic and investigative efforts. This will also include coordination with the international community, as necessary.
Critical Tasks
Planning and Direction: Establish the intelligence and information requirements of the consumer.
o Rapidly reprioritize law enforcement and intelligence assets as necessary and appropriate.
o Engage with public and private sector partners in order to determine what intelligence and information assets may be available for reprioritization.
10 Activities under the Intelligence and Information Sharing Capability will be conducted consistent with Executive Order 13587, which directs structural reforms aimed at strengthening oversight regarding the responsible sharing and safeguarding of classified information access and use.
o Obtain additional information through avenues such as law enforcement deployment, questioning of witnesses and suspects, increased surveillance activity, and community policing and outreach.
Collection: Gather the required raw data to produce the desired finished intelligence and information products.
o Gather/collect information via law enforcement operations, suspicious activity reporting, surveillance, community engagement, and other activities and sources as necessary.
Exploitation and Processing: Convert raw data into comprehensible information.
Analysis and Production: Integrate, evaluate, analyze, and prepare the processed information for inclusion in the finished product.
Dissemination: Deliver finished intelligence and information products to the consumer and others as applicable.
o Develop appropriately classified/unclassified products to disseminate threat information to local, state, tribal, territorial, Federal, international, private sector, nonprofit sector, faith-based organizations, and public partners.
Feedback and Evaluation: Acquire continual feedback during the intelligence cycle that aids in refining each individual stage and the cycle as a whole.
Assessment: Continually assess threat information to inform continued prevention operations and ongoing response activities.
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