Your assignment is to write a 6-8 page (minimum) research paper analyzing the HRM concepts, policies, practices and procedures we learn in this class for an organization of your choice.
This paper will focus on:
- Chapter 3: EEO and HRM
- Chapter 4: Job analysis and design
- Chapter 5: expanding the talent pool: recruitment
- Chapter 6: employee selection
Assignment Requirements
This paper should examine how your company of choice applies the EEO laws discussed in class. What specific laws may apply to the organization and why are they important? You may find examples of violations and subsequent law suits. How did these impact the company? Additionally, the paper should include information about how the company recruits, selects and hires employees. What methods does the company use to recruit both internally and externally? Discuss selection methods such as interviews, assessments, background screening, etc. How are hiring decisions made? What is the company’s employment brand? Provide two examples of open job requirements from the company.
Conclude with your key takeaways or suggestions on improvement.
Assignment Instructions
- The key learning objectives from this course will fulfill Dialogue of Self and Study (DSS) 300 Level written communication requirements. Your paper must include separate sections for each chapter addressing what you have learned throughout the semester. You should structure your paper into sections for each chapter covered. The page count does NOT include the title page and reference page.
- The papers require research from course materials and at least seven (7) independent scholarly sources that you find separate from course materials. Students are encouraged to share their sources in advance with the instructor, to be certain that what you’ve found are reputable and acceptable sources. After exploring the role of Human Resource Management and its various requirements, it’s now time to demonstrate that you can apply these concepts in your own chosen industry or organization!
- This assignment should include at least 6-8 pages summarizing your key learnings and how they are relevant in your industry or career path. Written assignments require application of content from the textbook and any other learning materials provided in the course, as well as your own independent research (especially around industry-specific aspects of the assignment).
- Your paper should be formatted and written in the style dictated by the American Psychological Association (APA) 7.0 Style guidelines. Please see the Lynn Library APA Style guide (Links to an external site.) for assistance here, including the pre-formatted template in Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.). You do not need to use an Abstract or a Table of Contents, but you will need a Title Page and a References Page in the correct formats. You are strongly encouraged to work with the Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) to get assistance with your academic writing; take advantage of this free service, as part of your university education!
- You must use APA-formatted in-text citations and References to indicate the source of any ideas you apply from other authors. You are encouraged to summarize and paraphrase whenever possible rather than directly quoting, as your instructor is much more interested in what you now know and understand than in what you can quote from your research. (However, citations and References are still required, even if you’re not directly quoting.)
- All written assignments in this course follow the 300 Level Grading Rubric for Written Communications, which is listed below. Your grade will be determined by the ratings you earn on each line of the rubric, so please pay close attention to the descriptions of each item.
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