High Stakes Paper SW Analysis

Writing Assignment II

High Stakes Paper SW Analysis –Strategic Management Writing Intensive 100 Points Total

  • Length: 2 pages MAX (Does not include References)
  • Use: 12 pt. double-spaced, pages numbered, 1-inch margins
  • See below for instructions regarding citations, plagiarism, sources, spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc.
  • Submit the assignment on Blackboard, same folder, SafeAssign

SW Project

  • Write a paper addressing the following questions and issues:
  • Internal Analysis
    • How does your company use efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness to build or sustain competitive advantage? (25 points)
    • Identify 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses within your company (25 points)

50 points for Following the Instructions and for Quality of Writing!

  • You should be aware by now that this next part is extremely important. Read this carefully. Following instructions, organization, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, writing style, correct quoting (Maximum of 2 1-line quotes), and citation of sources (according to APA). If I asked you to fix something on one of your assignments, I should not see the error reappear on subsequent assignments.
  • I penalize for incorrect punctuation, incorrect spelling, incorrect capitalization, incorrect grammar, incorrect sentence structure, incorrect syntax, incorrect verb tense, run-on sentences, poor choices of words, etc. These types of errors are painful for your reader and they detract from the argument and the substance of the writing’s content.
  • Take care by keeping your sentences relatively simple and understandable.
  • No bullet points or lists. This is a writing class, not a listing class.
  • Avoiding these errors strongly enhances your appearance as an educated person in your personal and professional life.
  • Evidence of plagiarism (See below) earns a failing grade and a report to the Dean of Students. If you’re not sure what plagiarism is, see below and/or please see me.
  • DO NOT be a cheerleader for your company. Your essays should be analytical and unbiased.
  • Regarding Citations and Plagiarism
    • Use APA formatting for your paper. Learn the style. If you use a bot, you need to check that the bot is doing it correctly.
    • All information that is not common knowledge must be cited according to APA style. All information that you get from an outside source must be cited according to APA style. You must cite your sources within the text and then also provide a complete reference in the bibliography, according to APA style. If you use outside text word for word, it must be in quotation marks with an in-text citation and a listing in the bibliography, according to APA style. If you do not put other’s words into quotation marks and cite them, it is plagiarism, because you are passing off the words of others as your own. Even if you paraphrase someone else’s words, you must provide a citation and reference for that person’s ideas, according to APA style. Otherwise, it’s plagiarism, because you are passing off someone else’s ideas as your own.
    • This is supposed to be your work, not a reprinting of someone else’s work. You should be doing your own writing. You may not use more than 2 quotes, and no quote can be longer than one typed line. All quotes must be done according to APA style.
  • Sources
    • You should have no fewer than 3 sources, but there is no upper bound.
    • Only use quality sources. Stick with actual professionals who do business analysis and business writing for a living, like WSJ, NYT, Bloomberg, Quartz, Business Insider, Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Wired, etc. Use trade publications and regional expertise (e.g., the Atlanta Journal Constitution for Delta, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for Amazon, San Jose Mercury News for Silicon Valley, etc.+). Other blogs and sources like Motley Fool, Trefis, Seeking Alpha, and some others can also be good. BUT…
    • Never use bartleby.com, bizfluent.com, bstrategyhub.com, brainmass.com, businessteacher.org, cheatsheet.com, cheshnotes.com, coursehero.com, daytranslations.com, fernfortuniversity.com, fourweekmba.com, panmore.com, gurufocus.com, homeworkmarket.com, ipl.org, jurevicius.com, marketingteacher.com, managementstudyguide.com, marketing91.com, mbaskool.com, mbacrystalball.com, mba-tutorials.com, notesmatic.com, panmore.com, pestleanalysis.com, platformexecutive.com, prezi.com, swotandpestle.com, research-methodology.net, slideshare.net, strategicmanagementinsight.com, ukessays.com, weebly.com, or any other similar amateur website as a source. I will not grant credit if these sites are
    • There are many sources, both online and in the library, to help you with writing and editing. Don’t be passive. I expect college-level writing from you. If you are not at that level, you are responsible for working to reach that level. Avail yourself of the many resources available to you, both online and on this campus. If in doubt, contact me or come see me. The Writing Center is also a reference for helping you to organize your ideas, but they will send you to Purdue OWL to learn APA. It is better to look at the APA manual yourself instead of relying on Purdue OWL, which has errors.

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