Healthcare Organization

Reviews activities associated with managing personnel unique to health services industry. Discussed in depth are such personnel office functions as recruiting, selecting, training, motivating, leading, and evaluating staff and credentials. Also studied are reimbursement structures, as well as practical operations necessary to manage a diverse and professional operations staff.

HADM 200 or adviser permission.

The success of any healthcare organization is centered on the patient experience. From admission to discharge, patients encounter a myriad of healthcare professionals including ambulance drivers, language interpreters, physicians, nurses, and technicians. Patient interactions with these professionals, combined with quality of care, are critical components of their experience.

Although working in healthcare is often described as intrinsically rewarding, there are unique challenges associated with this industry. Hospitals operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Healthcare is heavily influenced by external factors such as legislation, labor unions, insurance providers, and the economy. Despite a heavy reliance on technology, healthcare remains labor intensive and a health system cannot thrive without those who are directly and indirectly responsible for patient care.

Human resources management is simply defined as the management of an organization’s employees. The human resources department is responsible for payroll, benefits, compensation, talent acquisition, talent management, performance management, labor and employee relations. Once viewed as administrative overhead, the Human Resources Department plays an integral role in the strategic management of healthcare today.

This course will provide an overview of the human resources function within the context of the unique and fluid environment of healthcare.

At the conclusion of the course students should be able to:
• Discuss the significance of human resources management to present and future healthcare executives;
• Develop job description utilizing job analysis for the position;
• Understand various models of wage, salary and benefits offered by healthcare
• Develop an understanding of effective personnel methods;
Identify key elements of employee recruitment, selection, retention, training, development, and performance management and apply such to the healthcare work setting;
• Understand and develop effective staff development and recognition strategies;
Understand the impact current industry trends, economy, government, and unions have on a healthcare organization;
• Understand methods to build and sustain a professional work environment in healthcare.

The Master of Health Administration (MHA) program uses a competency-based learning model. Each objective of this course is mapped to a program competency (or multiple competencies) and a learning or competency level. The learning or competency levels are: Beginner (B), Intermediate (I), and Advanced (A).

The MHA program’s domains and competencies, definitions of “competency” levels, and a matrix which illustrates how the competencies connect to program courses is located on Blackboard in the “MHA Domains and Competencies” folder which is located in the “MHA Connect” Blackboard page.

The matrix below illustrates how each course objective relates to the program competency model and the competency level students are expected to attain on each selected competency during this course.

Course Competency Matrix

Competencies Objective(s) | Level | Evaluation method(s)
D. Leadership and management
D.3.1: Demonstrate how to perform job analyses and develop job descriptions. I Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.2: Analyze models of wage, salary, and benefit determination. B Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.3: Analyze and apply effective methods for recruitment, selection, and onboarding models. B Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.4: Analyze how to most effectively engage staff, improve staff retention, and reduce “burn-out.” B Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.5: Analyze and apply effective personnel evaluation methods. I Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.6: Analyze effective staff development strategies and develop employee reward and recognition strategies. I Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.7: Analyze and apply effective methods to build and sustain a professional work environment. B Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam
D.3.8: Analyze models of labor relations and managing with a union. B Class-based discussions and exercises; final exam

The textbooks for this class are:

Sampson, C.J. and Fried, B. (2021) Human Resources in Healthcare: Managing for Success (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

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