Health and the Individual

School of Health Sciences & Professional Programs Department of Health & Human Performance
Health and the Individual

Homework Assignment # 1: What is a Case – Study? Consulting Research Studies to Improve the SMART goals
(up to 15 points; see rubric)

The purpose of this assignment are as follows:

• Describe and discuss each section of the pyramid of evidence. (Activities #1, #2, #3, and #4)
• Why reviewing and understanding a scientific research finding are necessary to strengthen your approach in behavior change and other questions you may have in general? (Activity #1, #2, #3, and #4)
• Identify and recognize examples of each section of the pyramid of evidence by reading an abstract and introduction of peer-reviewed scientific paper. (Activity #2: Practice worksheet, and Activity #4)
• Skills: Learn how to differentiate between types of study and how to read the results. (Activity #2: Practice worksheet, and Activity #4)
• Skills: Learn how to differentiate between the terms “cause-and-effect” and “at risks for” and why is those term are misused today (Activity #2: Practice worksheet, and Activity #4).
• Ancillary Objectives: To demonstrate general understanding of the use of case-study to allow students objectively express and apply the information learned from the class.
• Ancillary Objectives: To introduce students how to identify issues in one area of health (physical Health) and how to recognize and choose appropriate information from independent search.

At the end of this assignment, the final product, a PowerPoint file, is to be submitted at the end of the class session

On Slide 1: Write the title and include your name. On Slide 2: Copy and Paste the Case Study below. CASE STUDY:
Andrew is a 25-yrs old male, who has started working out with a personal trainer, to prepare for the next NYC Sanitation physical test, called “Superman Test” in 2 months. His weight is at-normal weight (using the BMI scale [underweight to obese]) and there are no health risk conditions observed and reported during the client’s health history and physical assessments.

The “Superman Test” is a rigorous physical test. The test involves demanding physical exercise such as hoisting trash cans, scaling fences, and running with weights (8-55 pounds) under both hands (NYtimes, 2010).

The training program will have a combination of cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength/muscular endurance with the concentration on increasing muscular strength and lactic acid/bi-product tolerance.

The personal trainer and Andrew created a TENTATIVE list of the general activities from the first month to the end of 2nd month. See chart below:

Andrew’s goal is to gain muscular strength in order to succeed in the NYC sanitation Test.

Training Program First Month to end of the month Measurable Gains. Second Month to end of the month Measurable Gains.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Aerobic/Anaerobic) 30% VO2 max  40% VO2 Max 40% VO2 max  60% VO2 Max
Muscular Strength/Muscular
Endurance 50% of 1-RM to 60% of 1-RM 60% of 1-RM to 70% of 1-RM
Flexibility All the time All the time.
Duration/Frequency 1 hour of training. 3x per week
Other information: Sets/Reps will be discussed during the workout session. 2-3 month will show increase in muscular strength gain.
*Aerobic Activity – Physical Activities that involves long duration and tolerable/moderate or low intensity (i.e. jogging for long period of time [20-60 minutes].)
*Anaerobic Activity – Physical Activities that involves short duration and high intensity [i.e. sprinting 6s, lifting weights]
*Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2 max) is the capacity of individual’s ability to utilize oxygen in working muscles and it is expected to increase with training.
*1-Repetition Maximum (1-RM) Test is the amount of weight that a person can lift in one try to test for muscular strength. It is expected to increase with training.

On Slide 3: Using the acronym SMART goal, identify and write how are the information from the case study fulfill the SMART goal. Fill in the blanks with statements from the case study.

S (specific)- M (measurable)- A (action-oriented)- R (realistic) – T (time-oriented)-

After reading/completing the SMART goal, Andrew searched on “google” to look for any exercise aid (such as but not limited to ergonomic aids, supplementation, equipment) to get an idea on how to enhance his training experience. He found and glanced at two peer-reviewed articles.

Read the summary of the articles and answer the questions.

On slide 4. On the first study, Which type of study? Limitation? Recommendation?

Brose A., Parise G., Tarnopolsky, M.A. (2003). Creatine Supplementation Enhances Isometric Strength and Body Composition Improvements Following Strength Exercise Training in Older Adults. The Journals of Georontology. 58 (1).

Brose et al. (2003)’s study suggests that ingesting creatine supplementation would enhance muscular strength and muscle mass during a resistance training exercise program (strength training program). Exhaustive studies of literature reported that creatine monohydrate does not have a negative side-effect compared to other ergonomic acids and supplemental aids. The study examined 28 healthy older adults (65 years and over) for 14 weeks and were split between the control group (no supplement) and the intervention group (creatine supplementation) while both groups participate in a resistance training regimen. According to the primary outcome, the results show that those participants in the intervention group have developed greater muscular isometric strength (46.2% ± 22.5%) than the control group (22.5 ± 14.4%) at p<0.05. (p means statistically significant between group** pay attention on that term).

Looking at the information above:

  1. What is the study design (ie. Meta-analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial Design, Observational Study Design, Physiological Studies, or Expert Opinion) of the summary? What is the main benefit of this type of study design (the main one!)?
  2. List at least 2 limitations of this article based on the category of this evidence.
  3. Will this article help and support Andrew’s pursuit? Explain why or why not. (Note: do not add your personal views to answer this question but only write what the study says).

On slide # 5: In the second study,

Artero, E. G., Lee, D. C., Ruiz, J. R., Sui, X., Ortega, F. B., Church, T. S., Lavie, C. J., Castillo, M. J., & Blair, S. N. (2011). A prospective study of muscular strength and all-cause mortality in men with hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 57(18), 1831–1837.

Artero et al. study (2011) examined the relationship between muscular strength and mortality in healthy men with hypertension. There are 1506 participants age greater than 40 years old with hypertension and were followed between the years of 1980 to 2003. There were 183 deaths recorded in the study. According to the results, at 18.3 years follow up, participants who have higher muscular strength had a lower death risk (0.66; 0.45 to 0.98) than those who have low muscular strength. Those participants, with higher muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness, especially, had the lowest mortality risk among all groups (0.49;0.30 to 0.82). High levels of muscular strength appear to protect hypertensive men against all-cause mortality, and this is in addition to the benefit provided by CRF

  1. What is the study design (ie. Meta-analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial Design, Observational Study Design, Physiological Studies, or Expert Opinion) of the summary? What is the main benefit of this type of study design (the main one!)?
  2. List at least 2 limitations of this article based on the category of this evidence.
  3. Will this article help and support Andrew’s pursuit? Explain why or why not. (Note: do not add your personal views to answer this question but only write what the study says).

On Slide #6 (2019). Exercises That Improve Muscular Strength The article claims that:
“Some muscular fitness exercises include compound exercises, which are multi-joint exercises that rely on the coordinated actions of several muscle groups to build muscular strength.

An example is the squat because it uses your hips, knees and ankles, putting increased strain on your quads, glutes, hamstrings, back, abdomen and a multitude of small stabilizing muscles.

Muscular strength exercises with compound movements should range from eight to 12 reps and use heavy loads. Bench press, military press, rows, squats and deadlifts are common compound exercises. Three to five sets are commonly

  1. What is the study design (ie. Meta-analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial Design, Observational Study Design, Physiological Studies, or Expert Opinion) of the summary? What is the main benefit of this type of study design (the main one!)?
  2. List at least 2 limitations of this article based on the category of this evidence.
  3. Will this article help and support Andrew’s pursuit? Explain why or why not. (Note: do not add your personal views to answer this question but only write what the study says).

On slide #7: Which evidence is a better choice?

  1. Before suggesting a type of evidence from the pyramid of evidence, you need to provide explanation (s) into why the evidence mentioned earlier will not help Andrew to reach his goals?
  2. Moving forward, which type of study design from the Pyramid of Evidence should Andrew look for to obtain an informative evidence in order to assist in constructive well-informed decision? And why?

Student Reflection.

Now that you have completed the activities in Module #2, in concise, well-planned sentences, answer the questions below:

  1. In your own words, list and describe at least 3 of the most significant (central, useful, meaningful, or surprising) information that you have learned during this module.
  2. Is there anything that you did not understand in this module? And explain which approach you will take to fill the gap of understanding? (If your response is related to “The module is clear, and I understood everything in this module” will not fulfill the student reflection entry. Instead, try summarizing what you have learned from this module to show that you have interacted and engaged with the module.)

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