
The question:
Has globalization caused a decline in poverty in the last thirty years? Answers should refer to poverty measures and an explicit discussion of causality.
List of sources (use 7 sources from the list minimum and 3 outside of the list provided):
These five are compulsory to use:
David Dollar and A. Kraay 2001 ‘Growth is good for the Poor’, at
R. Kiely 2005 ‘Globalization and Poverty, and the Poverty of globalization theory’, Current Sociology 53(6), pp.895-914.
R. Wade 2003 ‘What strategies are viable for developing countries today? The World Trade Organization and the shrinking of “development space”’, Review of International Political Economy 10(4)
Edward, P. and A. Sumner 2015 New Estimates of Global Poverty and Inequality: How much Difference Do price Data Really Make?, CGD Working Paper no.43,
Edward, P. and A. Sumner (2013) ‘The Geography of Inequality: Where and How Much has Income distribution Changed since 1990’, Washington: Center for Global Development Working Paper no.341, pp.1-42.
• R. Kiely 2005 ‘Globalization and Poverty, and the Poverty of globalization theory’, Current Sociology 53(6), pp.895-914
• A. Sumner, E. Ortiz-Juarez, C. Hoy (2021) ‘Measuring global poverty before and during the pandemic’, Third World Quarterly 43(1)
• R. Lahoti and S. Reddy (2016) ‘$1.90: What Does it Say?’, New Left Review II/97
• R. Wade 2003 ‘What strategies are viable for developing countries today? The World Trade Organization and the shrinking of “development space”’, Review of International Political Economy 10(4)
• Edward, P. and A. Sumner (2013) ‘The Geography of Inequality: Where and How Much has Income distribution Changed since 1990’, Washington: Center for Global Development Working Paper no.341, pp.1-42 (QMPlus).
• M. Weisbrot, D. Baker and D. Rosnick 2005 ‘The Scorecard on Development’,
• J. Norberg (2003) ‘In Defense of Global Capitalism’, in J. Timmons Roberts and A. Hite eds. (2003) The Globalization and Development Reader (Oxford: Blackwell), pp.263-76
• S. Smith and J. Toye 1979 ‘Introduction: Three stories about Trade and Poor Economies’, in S. Smith and J. Toye eds. 1979 Trade and Poor Economies Frank Cass QMPlus
• K. Gallagher (2008) Understanding Developing country resistance to the Doha Round, Review of International Political Economy 15(1), pp.62-85 QMPlus
• R. Wade (2004) ‘On the Causes of Increasing World Poverty, or Why the Matthew Effect Prevails’, New Political Economy 9(2),
• S. Reddy (2007) ‘Death in China’, New Left Review II/45
• D. Dollar and A. Kraay 2003 ‘Spreading the Wealth’, in D. Held and T. McGrew eds. 2003 The Global Transformations Reader Polity, can be found online
• B. Milanovic 2003 ‘The Two Faces of Globalization: Against Globalization as we Know It’, World Development 31(4) EJOURNAL
• Tooze. A. 2021 Has covid ended the neoliberal era?, The Guardian, Sept 2, available at
• A. Gamble 2009 The Spectre at the Feast Palgrave, introduction (available via Palgrave website) and ch.6
• R. Kiely 2010 Rethinking Imperialism Palgrave, ch.9 proof on QMPlus (see week 8 readings)
• A.Gamble 2011 Economic Futures, British academy Policy Centre, available at (British focused but very useful on political implications of crisis)
• R. Kiely 2018 The Neoliberal Paradox, Elgar, ch.13, esp.pp.343 ff.
On populism, see:
• W. Davies (2017) ‘Populism and the limits of neoliberalism’, available at
• W. Davies (2016) ‘Thoughts on the Sociology of Brexit’, available at
• M. Davis (2017) ‘The Great God Trump and the White Working Class’, available at
• W. Davies (2017) ‘Review of Arlie Hochschild’s Strangers in their Own Land’, International Journal of Politics Culture and Society (pdf on QMPlus)
• Roediger, D. (2017) ‘Who’s Afraid of the white working Class?’, available at
• M. Seaton (2017) ‘An American Populist in the Whitehouse’, Soundings 2017, pdf on QMPlus.
• J. Narayan (2017) ‘The wages of whiteness in the absence of wages: racial capitalism, reactionary intercommunalism and the rise of Trumpism’, Third World Quarterly, online first, pdf on QMPlus
• R. Inglehart and P. Norris (2016) ‘Trump, Brexit and the Rise of Populism’, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper, available at
• R. Kiely 2020 The Conservative Challenge to Globalization , Agenda/Columbia University Press.
• Wendy Brown; Neoliberalism’s Frankenstein: Authoritarian Freedom in Twenty-First Century “Democracies”. Critical Times 1 April 2018; 1 (1): 60–79.
• Wendy Brown, 2017 Apocalyptic Populism, available at
• N. Fraser 2017 From progressive neoliberalism to Trump – and beyond, American Affairs 1/1, available at ;
• G. Hart 2020 ‘Why did it take so long? Trump-Bannonism in a global conjunctural frame’, Geografiska Annaler no. 102, available at

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