Write a 1-2 page summary of the article and cite how it fits within the textbook chapters and readings of the course.
Include a hyperlink to the article.
No citations of integrating course concepts, then the maximum grade is 50%
An article within the last year is the goal so that we keep the study and focus current.
250-500 word summary of the article is sufficient (but I would not be penalized for 700 words), but I do want to see a couple citations from the textbook that illustrates/applies content to the article.
I would aim for 2-4 citations (I offer a range because it depends on the article and what it is about as to where you can see linkages to our class).
The Chapter Reading Selected is “Module 11: Global Leadership Issues and Practices”. The other chapter of choice is “Module 10: Organizational Design and Control”.
Module 11: Global Leadership Issues and Practices, 1) Discusses the importance of creating a company “global mind-set.” 2) Describe what distinguishes the practice of global leadership from domestic leadership. 3) Identify the competencies required for effective global leadership. 4) Distinguish among the approaches for selecting and developing effective global leaders. 5) Describe global team leadership skills. 6) Identify some of the challenges of leading global change.
Module 10: Organizational Design and Control, 1) Explain why the design of organizational structure is important to international companies. 2) Identify the various organizational dimensions managers must consider when selecting organizational structures. 3) Explain how decision making is allocated between parent and wholly owned subsidiaries in an international company. 4) Discuss how an international company can maintain control of a joint venture or of a company of which it owns less than 50 percent of the voting stock. 5) List the types of information an international company’s units around the world need to report to the parent company.
Give Full Article Title as well.
The Textbook Title is: International Business 3rd Edition
Authors are: J. Michael Geringer, Jeanne M. McNett, Donald A. Ball
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Publication Date: January 27, 2022
ISBN-13: 978-1-265-99371-9
ISBN-10: 1265993718
I’ve uploaded/attached the Chapter/Module Reading.
I’m having difficulty with this type of assignment. But I begin to understand the connections after seeing the write up. I understand the chapter reading but I just have trouble connecting to a recent news article. I would like another “A” write up. This should be the second to last one.
I thought connecting the article to module 11 would be easier than Module 10. So, that is the chapter I want the write up being connected to.
I’ve uploaded chapters 1 & 2 to see as introductory reference material.
A couple of citations from the textbook & 2+ from other sources should do it again.
Provide Page #’s/Paragrahp #’s in APA Parenthetical In-text citations.
Please add a title for the write-up.
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