Functions of Cell Organelles

An organism can be just a single cell such as a bacterium or can be made up of trillions of cells like humans. However, each cell is like a machine. It has many parts and each works in concert with the other, but sometimes, things can go wrong; thus affecting how the cell, and organism operates. In this post, you will demonstrate an understanding of the functions of organelles and how they work together in cells by explaining a disease associated with a specific organelle, cell part, or cell function, which will require some quick research from reputable scientific sources. Really, all disease is a result of failed or flawed mechanisms in cells. There are diseases that are organelle-specific, genetically-based, cell-cycle based, environmentally triggered, and pathogenic (which are caused by other organisms) and all of which negatively affect cells in some way.
This week’s discussion post involves two parts. Be sure to completely respond to the prompts in your post.
Part one: Briefly introduce your chosen disease and organelle/cell part/function that is associated with it. Explain why you chose this disease or condition; if you are comfortable sharing, is there a personal connection to it? Provide a generalized overview of what the normal function of the organelle is and then describe how the disease affects the organelle’s operation, and thus, the operation of the cell. What effects can a person with this condition experience? For example: You may include information about genetic factors (i.e., a gene mutation), symptoms, treatments, lifespan, or other interesting details about the condition/disease.
Part two: Where did you find your information and why did you choose those sources? Describe why you think your chosen sources are reputable and trustworthy as a scientific source.
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Grading Criteria
• Your understanding of the functions of organelles & cells, as demonstrated by your response to the prompts.
• Your explanation of how a disease affects cell or organelle function.
• Your peer responses are substantive and thoughtful and advance the discussion by introducing new insights or perspectives, and/or significantly deepening or broadening the conversation with questions.
• Your use of language: your writing should be clear, well-organized, and free from spelling and grammar errors.

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